A fantastic day for F3 Dads at The Estate!  

FNG-1 = Patrick Lynch, second poster now known as "Baller".  2-Jan-2019 Edit:  Since added to the PAX list.

FNG-2 is actually "ChimiChurri", not registered on the website yet.  2-Jan-2019 Edit:  Since added to the PAX list.

FNG-3 is actually "No Shoes", who is Frogger's Brother In Law visiting from Charleston; also not listed on the website.

Additionally, we had 36! little ones as listed below.  Note:  Kindly comment if I've mis-spelled any names and I will edit:

  • Zipline (Jersey Boy)
  • Torpedo (Toxic)
  • Tornado Alley (Freedom)
  • Faceplant and Guy Smiley (Tantrum)
  • Cookie (Elmers)
  • Beanie and Spicy (Landshark)
  • Swerve-ez (Turncoat)
  • Mario and Luigi (both newly named today, Chimichurri.  Note:  He indicated he may rename his boys at some point, agreed it was a little rushed!)
  • Yellow Card and newly named "The Joker" (Hoodie)
  • Lonestar's 2.0 agreed to be named next time, he was a little shy today  🙂
  • Lizard (Tuck)
  • Rainbow Unicorn (Pop Tart)
  • Jewel and Duplo Disc-glow (Lego)
  • Tuffy and Tiny Bubbles (Don Ho)
  • Kachow and Mickey Mouse (Capone)
  • Scoopie, Banana, and Pea Pod (Snoopy)
  • Hannah Montana (Big Montana)
  • Horsey and Unicorn (Both newly named, Knockout)
  • Unicorn Bear (Black Bart)
  • Miss Sassy Molassy and Darth Vader (Turnpike)
  • K9 (Newly named, "No Shoes" with name assist from Uncle Frogger)
  • Cupcake (Newly named, like her Dad was today; "Baller")
  • Blaze (To be named later, El Chapo)
  • Doodle and Splash (Kosar)
  • Again, kindly comment if I missed anyone or mis-spelled any names

What we did was less important than the fact that we had 25 Dads and 36 2.0s for a total of 61!  It went something like:

0700:  Several late arrivers, which was awesome.

0703 ish:  Pledge Allegiance to the shovel Flag.


Mosey around the parking lot with high knees, "hinny kickers" which is easily mistaken for "High Knee Kickers" but YHC really meant "butt kickers" but didn't want to say that, lol, and side shuffles.

Circle Up (Oval Up) at the bottom of the parking lot.

Disclaimer given by my 2.0 Miss Sassy Molassy, including "my dad doesn't know what he's doing" which was universally agreed.

  • SSH x 25 IC
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Slow Windmill x 10 IC
  • Soybean farmers x 10 IC
  • Run a lap around the track, plank while waiting for the 6
  • Mosey to the middle soccer field, where 3 lines of cones were set up

The Fun Thang:

  • Bear crawl, crab walk, bear crawl, crab walk on the very wet grass.  Several 2.0s wiped their hands on my shirt, lol.
  • "Super Mario Jumps" back
  • Sprint the length of the cones
  • Sprint "even faster" on the way back
  • Mosey to the bottom soccer field for:

Hula Hoop Contest!

  • Count off by 4s
  • 4 different rounds of ~8 little PAX each with hula hoops to see who could hoop longest
  • Winners advanced to the "Championship Round" where they hula hooped again
  • Sound off below who the 4 were.  Each was awarded with a hula hoop…unless they were taken by younger PAX by accident later, lol.  
  • Then, created lines for:

Dodge Ball !

  • Dads and kids vs. other dads and kids Round 1
  • If you got "out", you could jump rope 100 times to get back into the game.  Though pretty sure Darth Vader (my 2.1) just snuck back in at will
  • Kids vs. kids only for Round 2

Then we circled up for "Tick Tocks" (Show to Know) but if your 2.0 was too tall (Elmers) you were given the choice of Burpees.

Recover, recover.  We actually covered 1.6 miles which was awesome.  We counted off then did Name-O-RAMA then COT.  Enjoyed some munchkins and coffee after.  Some then met at New York Bagel for even more 2nd F.


  1. What a fantastic turn-out!  Hope everyone had a good time.  My little ones and I sure did.
  2. Welcome "Baller", Patrick Lynch is his hospital name and he posted last week at The Estate.  He dominated Jolly Ball last week, hence the name.  And welcome to your 2.0 Cupcake as well!
  3. Good to see "No Shoes" as always.  He was visiting his brother-in-law Frogger.  Good to meet your little guy "K9".
  4. 7 newly named young PAX by my count, listed above but again here:  Mario, Luigi, The Joker, Horsey, Unicorn, K9, and Cupcake.
  5. So many highlights, too many for YHC to list, but a few include:
    1. Lego doing the "Tick Tock" with both of his little ones at once.
    2. Elmers attempting the "Tick Tock" with Cookie who is almost taller than him.
    3. Yellow Card claiming he did his 100 jump ropes to re-enter dodgeball, in about 8 seconds, and his Dad Hoodie calling him out.
    4. Speaking of dodgeball, it was great seeing some of the boys showing off with their arms, and the girls not backing down one bit.  Truly awesome!
    5. The Hula Hoop contest was fun to watch!
    6. PAX always ask "what age is ok to bring out the little ones"?  Answer:  Any age!  Some young PAX were Unicorn (4), Horsey (3), Lizard (4), Duplo Discglow (4), and Tiny Bubbles (3), proving any age is ok for F3 Dads!
    7. Actually Blaze (El Chapo) is 1, so truly any age is ok!  Sound off if I've missed any others under the age of 5.
    8. Shout out to all the Dads carrying little ones for good portions of the workout, including Snoopy, Don Ho, Lego, Pop Tart…wait…is that why the Goatbusters are so athletic and fast?  Makes sense now.
    9. Personal highlights for YHC:  Miss Sassy Molassy helping with the disclaimer and some of the exercises, and Darth Vader announcing his age as "7 and a half", during Name-O-RAMA".  And they really enjoyed themselves.  Aye.

Appreciate everyone coming out!  Next time I promise to buy more munchkins.


