FNG-1 = Big Spud

A few gentlemen did thestandard – BEP, Calypso, TBone, and The Force (I beleive)

The thang:

lap around the lot

SSH X 15

IST X 10

Slow Deep Squat X 10

The Burpee

off to playground

5 pull ups

5 mericans

over the playground

10 dips

under the playground 

10 squats




mosey to rocks and grab one

line up on nice new soccer field around the mid-field circle

Low curl X 10

High curl X 10

skull crusher x 10

full curl X 10

8 count burner X 10 (think that's what we call this thing these days)

line up across a dude in the middle

curls for all – guy on each side of line (at one end) run around goal and back – then next go….its a race

my team loses so we take a lap around the goal

duck walk to line / low crawl back

next – we start guys from each end and sprint to sideline and back shuttlerun style – rest of guys do shoulder presses

my team loses so we take another lap

back to circle format

full curl X 10

rocks down and we play a round of duck/duck goose

WW2 X 15

touch dem heels X 15

homer to marge X 10ish


First – admittedly I missed out on setting rules for duck-duck goose, though I think it worked well and guys both got some running in, and had some fun.  I found it interesting how creative some were getting to avoid the 3 burpee penalty for getting caught.  Glad we could use the new field.  I definitely enjoyed leading this group today, regardless of the mumblechatter (TBone), was good to have a solid workout with some newish PAX and some of the old-schoolers.  
