Fun little ladder at the DragonSlayer

Event Date

Jan 11, 2018

Wet day over at the DragonSlayer this am.  Had pax scattered all over the church grounds due to some confusion on where were to start.  Gathered everyone for a run around warm up.  

Mosey around the church to the forest while stopping to the following.

side shuttle hop ic x15

Girl Fight ic x10

Cotton picker  ic x10

Imperial Storm trooper ic x10

Jack and Jill……..Everything was in cadence, minus the pullups and burpees. 

5 pull ups 

run down the hill

12 merkins 

run up the hill

5 pull ups 

curls x15

skull crusher x10

run down the hill

12 merkins 

low flutter x20 

run up the hill 

5 pull ups 

curls x 15 

skull crusher x10

squat to press x 10

run down the hill

12 merkins 

low flutter  x20

8 burpees

run up the hill

5 pull ups

curls  x 15 

skull crushers x10 

Squat to press x10

LAwnmower x10 each arm

run down the hill

12 merkins

low flutter x20

8 burpees

Rocky Balboas x20

run up the hill

5 pull ups 

curls x15

skull crushers x10

squat to pressx10

lawnmower x10 each arm

high row x10

run down the hill

12 merkins

low flutter x20

burpees x8 

rocky balboas x20

carolina dry docks x12

run up the hill

5 pull ups 

curls x15

skullcrushers x10

squat to press x10

lawnmower each arm x10 

high row x10

8 burpees

Mosey over to church for a 45 second plank.  Recover.recover.

Great effort by all.  Enjoyed my first q at the dragonslayer.