26 men rolled out of bed, many hoping last night was a bad bad dream, but no.  The pain was real, shot through the heart, coming oh so close to glory only to be thrashed by some overweight power forward that can shoot like a guard.  Ah well, since were up lets go workout.  Here is their story:


0430: 5 men met the Ruck Standard

0500: 2 men met the run standard

0520: Ruckers scouted out Casa de Ham.  All was quiet on the aryan front, but someone had beaten us to the vandalism.  The windshield wipers were already up.  what to do….we fled the scene to go get some window markers and shaving cream, but unfortunatly, out of the shadows, the man (ish) himself made his precense known.  Our plan was ruined.  There will be the right time, patience is a virtue.


0530: everybody is here, asking if they need gloves.  Listen here, I don't know what I'm going to make you guys do.  You may bear crawl on the asphalt, you may be on your feet the whole time.  And if a little callase or two pops up on your dainty hands then you are better for it anyway.


Mosey over to somewhere, again, who knows whats going to happen.

Lets do some


SSH x 20 (IC)

IST x 15 (IC)

Mountain Climbers x 15 (IC)


Mosey through the trail to the rock pit

Squats x 10 (IC)

Curls x 10 (HC)

Chest Press x 10 (IC)

Skull Crusher x 10 (IC)

8 count burner led by….yeah Burner!  And a solid job he did.


Mosey to the top of the hill and bear crawl a bit to keep the fast guys close.

Mosey to the field (ish)

Partner Up:

Partner Carry

Flapjack; repeato

Partner Push

Flapjack; repeato


Cack-a-lacka choo choo

Tunnel of love (oh my the complaining!) 


Mosey to wall behind Teeter

Prison Squats x 10

flapjack; repeato

Repeato again. 


Mosey to BBC

Crab walk / Bear Crawl infront

ah, car up

mosey to the Gazebo/Main Stage

Monkey Humper x 10 (IC) Demonstration by Outlaw

Pickle Pounder x 10 (IC) demonstration by Pierogi…..also we need to tell the property manager they need to fix the hole in the gazebo.


Mary by committee

WWII by Freepass

Mason Twist by Creeper

Brother Puncher by Suds

Homer to Marge with a rosalita and low dolly twist by Outlaw


Naked Moleskin

Well, it was one of those mornings.  I was incognated from the start, couldn't even get the disclaimer out.  Not sure what I said but if that FNG got hurt, I'm not sure whether we were going to help him to his car or take him some place far or whatever i mumbled out.

Also, welcome FNG Bryan (Finger)

Hey Shamrock…way to push out some announcements and not even be registered on the website.

Miami Vice, same thing, although you seem pretty new.  I give you a one time pass.  Register!

I completed an Outlaw attended workout and didn't get punched.  But I was ready for it.  I can only hope I am ready for it next time, because there will certainly be burpees.

FreePass, I feel for you after that loss last night.  Bogey didn't post, not sure about Lex Luthor, Kumquat told me if I took Half Life tomorrow he would post here today.  Well Villanova happened and he couldn't face the music or honor his deal.  Although I've come to expect this from him.

But you FreePass, came out anyway.  Very much respect for that.  And you should be glad you did because we had some good stuff planned for you.  Also, glad your M didn't have to kill us.

Calypso & Burner, looking good Incognitians!  Getting BRR ready already!

So much tough Pastoring this AM, I didn't know who to ask to pray.  Tweetsie deflected over to Jimmy O who always brings us out well.

Davidson made the trip, good to see all 7 feet of Swamp Thing and just normal sized Creeper.

Landshark made me promise to give a good beatdown, not sure it was the smoker he wanted, but we had fun and made people uncomfortable.  And isn't that what its all about?


Men, we can see everyday how everything can change in an instant.  From the 5 people killed in a tourist helicopter flight over in Gatlinburg yesterday, to Duvall's ex-wife on Friday.  We are not promised the next moment.  I had the unique opprotunity to explain this to my kids Friday and Saturday as they were with us at lunch when Duvall got the news.  It was a horrifying situation, but what I was able to communicate at that moment and throughout the weekend, is you don't have to understand it.  You don't have to figure out God's plan.  It is not for us to understand or analyze.  It is for us to accept and embrace.  What happened because of this, well for me personally I was able to bring my kids (8,7) to the vigil Saturday night, not because they knew Janet, or even knew Duvall that well, but because we (people, humans, Christians, Non-Christians, Men, Women, Children, all!) are a community.  And when one of us is down we better make damn sure others are picking him up.  I saw that and got to experience it first hand this weekend and oh my God is it powerful.  Whether its F3, your church, your social group, or whatever it may be, I challenge you to experience that power.  Many people have many theories, but the unity of God's people is the most powerful emotion I have experienced.  And to share that with your family amplifies it. 


People are praying for that unity now.  Go meet their need!

