Fun Stuff at Samson

12 pax joined the Turn brothers this morning at #Samson despite Turnpike's signaling in his preblast that we might be doing some questionable things because they could tell we had some fun stuff planned, and didn't want to miss it.

0500: 4 pax (Turn brothers, Frogger, and Marker from F3 Denver) ran a 2.5ish mile Standard out-and-back on the greenway.  Prior to the run, Turnpike claimed to not know where the greenway was, which I would ordinarily find hard to believe given he's run there 50, maybe 100 times, but this is Turnpike we're talking about, so it's possible he was being serious.

0530: Commence slow mosey around parking lot just as one more car arrives.  It's Auto, coming in hot to work out despite having just gotten back into town on a delayed flight late last night.  Tclaps.

Turnpike leads pax around parking lot with medley of high knees, buttkickers, and side shuffles L/R.  Circle up back where we started, by the cars.  Disclaimer given by Turncoat.

WARM-O-RAMA (Turnpike)

  • SSH x 15 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean Farmer x 15 IC


Turn brothers direct pax attention to pile of coupons in the parking space between their two cars.  This included the following:

  • 3 x kettlebells (one 35#, one 30#, one 25#)
  • 4 x 30# duct-taped coupon blocks
  • 2 x 15# dumbbells
  • 12 x 5# concrete bricks
  • 2 x mostly empty propane tanks

Pax instructed to grab a coupon (or two…. or more…. until all coupons accounted for) and zamperini whatever they grabbed to far end of parking lot.  Put these coupons down and all pax proceed to woods to grab a cinderblock.  Bring these out to where rest of coupons are.

Note: the following may be somewhat out of order….

Round 1 (Turnpike)

  • Merican x 10 IC
  • All pax – grab all coupons and carry (farmer carry, if possible) everything to opposite end of parking lot
  • Curls x 10 IC
  • Carry everything back across parking lot

Round 2 (Turncoat)

  • Squat x 10 IC
  • Grab different coupons and carry everything to opposite end of parking lot
  • LBC x 20 IC
  • Carry everything back across parking lot
  • Offset Merican x 7 IC (first with left hand, then with right)

Round 3 (Turnpike)

  • Grab a cindy and push on ground to opposite end of parking lot
  • Walk back to start with cindy with AMRAP curls

Round 4 (Turnpike)

  • Partner up.  Wheelbarrow cindy push to opposite end of parking lot, switching halfway

Round 5 (Turncoat)

  • P1 zamperini cindy while P2 does 3 burpees and catches partner.  Switch and repeato, continuing until back at start.

Round 6 (Turnpike)

  • P1 lunge walk with cindy while P2 runs opposite direction until catching partner.  Switch until team has lunge walked to other end of parking lot.

Split into 2 groups.  Group 1 grab all cindys, Group 2 grab all other coupons.  Carry these to front of parking lot, near cars, and drop there.  Grab one coupon and carry with AMRAP curls to benches. (Turnpike)

Mosey to benches.  Dips x 10 IC (Turnpike)

People's Chair (Turnpike)

Touch Them Heels x 15 IC then continue to hold People's Chair 10 sec (Turncoat)

Grab coupon and mosey with AMRAP skullcrushers back to cars. (Turnpike)

Each pax grab a brick or dumbbell and do the following:

  • WWII Situp x 20 OYO (Turncoat)
  • Mason Twist x 15 IC (Turncoat)

Grab all cindy and zamperini back to forest.  Replace cindy in forest and mosey back toward cars.  Instruct pax to form two groups.  Group 1 in one parking lot lane, Group 2 in other.  (Turnpike)

Turnpike (Kia Soul) and Turncoat (Prius) get into their respective cars and drive to the two lanes where pax are waiting.  Put cars in neutral and commence Group 1 vs Group 2 car push race to other end of parking lot lane.

Repeato car push race, but with cars in opposite lanes.

Park cars and circle up for Mary:

  • Low Flutter x 20 IC (Turncoat)
  • Man Maker Elbow Plank x 10 (Turnpike)
  • Superman / Banana / Superman (Turncoat)
  • "Out-In-Up" x 45 seconds

Recover, recover.


  • Thanks to the pax who came out this morning, in sub 30 degree temps no less.  I think this was the third time we've co-Q'd in 2019, and have to say it was the most questionable fun one to date.
  • Every pax followed TP's instruction to push a cindy from one end of the parking lot to the other, except Auto, who just walked to the other end while rolling one of the propane tanks with his foot.
  • Red October gamed YHC's zamperini / burpee partner exercise by immediately running away with the cindy so that his partner Jedi couldn't catch him and he wouldn't have to do any burpees.
  • Turnpike's Kia Soul was a few hundred pounds heavier than YHC's Prius, but the same group won both car push races by a couple car lengths.  YHC noticed during the second race that the pax got the Prius going at an 8 mph clip….. pretty impressive.
  • YHC obliged multiple pax request for Superman so they could belt out the "Greatest American Hero" theme, much to the confusion of the millenials who had posted this morning.
  • Pax wanted to know what Turnpike's out-in-up Mary exercise was called.  It was called the "Out-In-Up."
  • Lot of mumblechatter this morning, which was perhaps to be expected given all of the questionable fun things we were doing.
  • Appreciate Red October and Jedi stepping up to take Qs at #Samson on 1/2 and 1/9 respectively.  Thanks for supporting this AO and MQ Hasselhoff, guys….. I'll be back to join you all for whatever you have planned!
  • Thanks to Marker for making the trip over from F3 Denver.  Turnpike and I will head your way for an ELHS Mustang beatdown sometime soon.
  • Keep an eye out for next week (12/26) at #Samson.  MQ Hasselhoff considering keeping the AO open for a post-xmas beatdown that morning.
  • Mona Lisa has Q at #MightyJungle this weekend, and is bringing cookies.  Also, he needs Qs at #Fallout.
  • Turnpike took us out.  We prayed for Omega's and Clark's daughters.
  • Thanks to Hasselhoff for allowing us to lead this morning.  We had a great time doing questionable fun things with the pax.  Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH back in June 2016…… I'm forever grateful.
