Fun Times at PAINinsula

19 men posted to PAINinsula this morning asking the same question – How in the world do you have a workout after celebrating the ol' Gnarly One's iorthday at your AO the previous week? You Have FUN! And Fun it was, here are the details….


Mosey to the dumpster lot

SSH X 20

Cotton Pickers X 15

IST X 15

Mountain Climbers X 20

Windmills X 15

Mosey to the gazebo square for a little C2C work

Round 1 at each of the 4 corners:

Mericans X 5

Squats X 10

LBCs X 15

Round 2:

CDD X 10

Backward stepping lunges X 15

Low Flutters X 20

Mosey to the hill by Brooklyn South

12 count ladder by 2's 

At Bottom – Jack Webbs

At Top – Squats

Mosey to the rock pile and fire station for rock work

Curls X 10

Overhead press X 10

Skull Crushers X 10

Curl to overhead press to Skull Crusher X 10


Jog to the lower lot

Pretzel crunches X 10 each side

Heels to Heaven X 15 courtesy of its inventor Bama

Airborne Mind Bender courtesy of its inventor Gnarly Goat

Jog back to launch

Twisted Marge X 15

Recover, Recover


Naked Man Moleskin:

1) You may say I'm paranoid, but seriously, trucks were tracking us down and had us in their sights

2) You would think by now that Hat Trick would understand, I wait for no man to begin exercise, even when I am the Q. So for me to simply take off running mid-sentence, well, everyone should just know to follow.  

3) It was announced today Earl Grey is moving with family to be closer to family in Michigan near Traverse City Michigan. I will continue to pray that the UofMfans do not brainwash him to root for that awful maize and blue.

4) Please come support and thank EG at his final Q – Java, Java, Java! Thursday, 9/27/18. He has supported our pax in more ways than we can count.

5) Thanks to Cheez Whiz for coming down from Race City to enjoy the finest AO in all of Cornelius! Come back, bring friends for THE Horseshoe! It may not be fun, but you will be glad you experienced it.

6) Great to have the Old Guard so well represented with Thug, Gnarly Goat and Bama in the house.

As always, honor and privilege to lead this fine group of men this morning! 
