Fun with balls

FNG-1 is Twinkle

7:00:00 Spork tries to hijack the Q

7:00:49 The real Q takes over



SSH (IC) x 30

High knees counterclockwise/clockwise

Toy Soldiers (IC) x 15

Copperhead Squats (IC) x 15

Song time

”I can only count to four” parody of Let the bodies hit the floor

3:47 total time—-plank until you hear the number 4 then do a merkin (33 merkins)


Mosey to the curb

Split into 2 teams and face the road in two lines (this was harder than k-5 Scouts)

1 PAX on each team dribbles a basketball up to the top of the parking lot and back.  Repeat until all have completed.  While waiting perform said exercise

Round 1—Burpees then LBC’s

Round 2—WW1’s then Jane Fondas

Mosey to the field

Cones are set up at ~5, 10, 15 yard increments.  Keeping the teams in tact, PAX 1 runs suicides to cones and catches tries to catch the pass at each cone from PAX 2.  Repeat until all have ran and thrown.  Drops at each cone held a penalty value to be done of a said exercise by the whole team at the sand of the round. Cone 1=5, cone 2=3, and cone 3=1  All waiting also perform an exercise.

Round 1—Penalty exercise (Star jump) waiting exercise (WW1’s)

Round 2—Penalty exercise (Monkey humpers) waiting exercise (Crab cakes)

Two goals set up and it’s real futbol time keeping the same teams.  Goal scorer designates an exercise.  Goal scoring team does 5 and those that were scored upon do 10.  If 2 minutes pass with no goal all do 10 merkins (twice)

Think there were burpees, merkins, star jumps, monkey humpers

Mosey back to launch pad


ABC’s—-why not, let’s go thru the whole alphabet/hyerglyphics/numbers


Chosen and Delivered by my 2.0 TrapperKeeper

Psalms 11:27

”Teach me your way, Lord;  Lead me in a straight and narrow path because of my oppressors.”

When asked what that meant to him last night…”it means I should take the Lord’s path and not let others or outside forces make me stray.”



Pray out


-So by the end of the workout it was mostly known that TraperKeeper had designed the whole workout in addition to picking the reflection.  He’s recently wanted to be part of a Q, but at 10 doesn’t feel confident enough to lead on his own, so we took baby steps.  He wasn’t wanting to deliver the reflection with with a little push from C# and the rest of the PAX he takes a step forward and knocks it out.  What he doesn’t realize is he’s a naturally leader with what he shows in Scouting and YHC is so proud of him.

-Saturdays are so fun with this group and I think the 2nd F found here is just as important as the 1st as we all need it.

-A few birthday slide under the radar for a few non-Facebookers.  Happy Bday Mully!  Maybe that 2.1 will come today.

-Some mumbling about how hard it is to dribble with gloves on but YHC has seen most of them on the court and not sure that’s what’s holding them back.

-There seem to be some good arms on the football field so hopefully Clubber was out advertising for this year’s Turkey bowl.

-Additional disclaimer for the wet grass and soccer, then a third disclaimer for not getting in between the ball and Mater.  “Welcome to the big leagues hayseed.  Next time don’t stand on the tracks when the trains coming through.”  

-Marker scores the goal of the match with his upper hamstring.

-Clark and Zippy check the calendar and verbally opt for the fartsack when they see the Q apparently.

-Praises go up for brother Olive and what he’s doing with Operation Sweettooth.  Last year they purchased a few AEDs for the Huntersville area through his foundation and one of hose saved a life this week.  The Denver PAX have supported OST regularly and it goes to show you just never know what that $10 may do someday.

-Prayres go up to Closer and family for his M’s mother and his father.  Be there for them brother and know that we are here for you and you.

-Pleasure as always to lead and be led by you fine men.  Enjoyed those that were there, and missed those that were not.



