Fun with Balls, with a twist

Great turnout at the Estate – 19 pax!

Pretty standard warm-up – a little moseying, SSH, Imerial Storm Trooper, Carrot puller Tennessee style

Grab some blocks and rocks and head to the soccer field, where we circled up in the middle.

YHC would pick a ball out of the bucket, which told us what the exercise would be.  A few variations as we moved along, mostly switching to OYO when YHC was too winded to call cadence.
White    10 Burpees – OYO
Blue       10 Block Merkins – IC
Red        15 Block Curls – IC
Yellow   15 Block Squats – IC
Skull & Crossbones         15 Lawn Mowers, each side – IC
Purple   15 Skull Crushers – IC
Pink       15 Squat Jumps
Black     Bear Crawl ½ way around the circle
Money Ball         Sprint to nearest side line.
Baseball Ball      15 Bent over Row – IC
Soccer Ball          15 Block Swings – OYO
Psychedelic Ball     Mobility Moment

We went thru the bucket 3 times, minus the missing white ball (10 burpees) on round 3.

The twist – 5 burpees whenever a plane would fly overhead.   During the pandemic, that wouldn’t be a problem, but today there were planes every few minutes.  That’s a lot of burpees. Thankfully everyone was allowed to call one audible and replace an exercise with one of their own.  So we did some J-Lo’s, LBC’s, shoulder tap merkins, 4 burpees instead of 5, etc.

Thanks to all the joined in the fun!

