Fun with Blocks and Partners at Hollywood

5:10: Walk my dog everything seems good outsite

5:20: Leave for the workout and its raining….

5:30: 12 of LKN's strongest ventured out for a fun time at Hollywood


  • Mosey to parking deck behind starbucks
  • SSH
  • Carrot Puller
  • IST
  • Windmill
  • Merican
  • Mountain Climber
  • Mosey to Chipotle for blocks

The Thing:

  • 3 Rounds of the Following (All w/ Block except burpees)
    • ?10 Burpees
    • 20 Shoulder Press
    • 30 Curls
    • 40 Goblet Squat
    • Run a lap around parking lot
  • Partner up
    • Partner 1 does 10 curls w/ block while partner 2 adds resistance by pushing down on block
    • After 10, parter 1 farmer carries block up and down while parter 2 does Carolina Dry Dock
    • Switch
    • Repeato
  • Blocks back
  • Mosey to parking deck behind Dicks
    • 10 Wall Jumps OYO
    • 10 Step Ups each leg OYO
  • Partner up
    • Parter 1 in plank, partner 2 puts legs on parter 1 back and does 20 mericans
    • Switch
  • Mosey to Launch
  • Mary
    • Low Flutter
      • Original plan was to go to 20 IC but Titan kept shouting higher and higher numbers so I obliged and we went to 40 IC
    • Jane Fonda 10 IC each side
    • Homer to Marge
      • Up to Marge down in 5
      • Up to Marge down in 4
      • Up to Marge down in 3
      • You see where this is going
    • After the last one, Low Dolly 10 IC
    • Plank Leg Raises 10 IC
    • Pigeon
  • Recover Recover
  • COT
    • ?No dads camp this Saturday, Mighty Jungle will be a normal workout
    • Dad and daughters day coming up soon (forgot the date), check Twitter or ask Hippie
    • Its not too late to join a Jollyball team for the last 2 weeks of the season!
  • Moleskin
    • ?Thanks for everyone for showing up in the rain this morning, I hope I was able to give you a good workout
    • Thanks to Gnarly Goat for the chance to lead
    • Everyone did a good job keeping the cadence count, but I happened to be next to Rodeo for a lot of it and he was always keeping the count, thanks!
    • Until next time, Mr. H