Gaga #2: One Ball to the Face

Event Date

Jun 22, 2016


Col. Mustard was also with us this morning, and you'd think for as much as he posts in Isotope, we'd be able to gift him a website account. 


SSH's, Slow Windmills, and ISTs

The Thang:

Frog Jumps, Bear Crawls, One-legged hops, Crab Walks, Lunge Walks, and Reverse Lunge Walks across the field.  

Partner Up

DORA 1, 2, 3:

One partner runs to the Robbins Park pool and back, while 2nd partner does exercise keeping a cumulative team count as we go, (Audible into running to the subdivision entrance and back after the first pool run)

Round 1:

100 Merkins

200 Jump Squats

300 Flutter Kicks

Followed by 3 games of Gaga Ball.   Anyone who got knocked out, had to do a penalty lap of the park. 


LBCs, Dying Cockroach, The Swerve, Low Dolly, and WWII Situps


Only limited running at Gaga today.  The PAX didn't complain.  Good thing Don Ho, LandShark, Silverbullet, and Calypso got a standard in. 

Great push from everyone out there today.  Thanks for following along as I continued to perscribe stupid things to do.

Gaga ball is a real thing.  I wonder who will be the first Q to not put a game or two on their agenda.  Landshark?

There are also spriklers running at Robbins Park at 530 on Wednesday.  I wonder who will be the first Q to include them in their agenda.  Landshark?

Calypso, thanks for the opportunity to take the Q this morning.

This week makes 2 years of F3 for me.  If you didn't make it to Gaga today c'mon out to The Foundry on Friday (my acutally F3-iversary), cuz I'd like to thank you for what you have given me over the past 24 months.  As always, keep giving it away, someone you know needs F3, and F3 needs them.

If I missed anything or you would just like to prove that this backblast was read, go ahead and sound off below.