After a long winter hiatus, #Gaga returned with a special Myryle Beach Marathon recovery edition and plenty of 2nd F. 

As per usual, YHC came screaming in on 2 wheels at 5:01 proving some things never change.  A huge group awaited, the route was described and off we went


5 miles on a modified Garcia 10k route in a failed attempt to find the Fartlek crew who apparently are very concerned with saving every minute they can spare *rofl*

Recover, Recover



  • Great to be back out at gaga today.  thanks to all who came out
  • Tclaps to all the MBM runners (both half and full).  Tons of PRs out there and even a few BQs.  Not to mention a few NYC Marathon qualifiers
  • Primetime was the main attraction today so he gets a special shout out.  All the hard work and dedication show just what F3 is all about.  You never quit, you put in the work.  You deserve that BQ and you damn well earned it.
  • Little Finger joined for coffee.  Most people won't recognize him in a few months when he's all swole.  Heal up brother.
  • Apparently, if wrasslin', cussin' and breaking beer bottles isn't your thing, don't go to Myrtle next year
  •  Now that Gaga is back open for business, the calendar is wide open.
  • Always an honor to lead such a fine group.  Thanks for all you do to inspire me daily

