Event Date

Jun 08, 2023

6 of the fastest pax in Isotope (including Yellow Card not listed in the pax) tore up the GAGA segments at Caboose. Here is their story:

Caboose is now a nomad. A throwback to the old Odyssey where the Q gets to run their favorite routes around Isotope. So many to choose from but YHC settled on GAGA as it seemed most likely to produce the most pax. We got six. Six. And that was mostly a by product of Frodo being DR, Turnpike supporting his Qs, Hoodie dragging his 2.1 outta bed, and Bee refusing to miss Christmas morning. But sometimes thats what it takes. It takes 4 refuseniks to make an awesome morning.

And it was awesome. 400s and 800s galore. Tales of hammies lost and egos ruined. It had all the makings of GAGA from yesteryear. 

For the record…

Lego still holds the CR on the 400s loop “Get Ya Some GAGA” at a blazing 54 seconds…it will take a sub 5 min pace (and prob a hammy) to even crack to the top 10…Auto is your current local legend

Some youngin’ holds the CR on the 800s loop at 2:32 (5:04 min/mile pace). Stole it from Snoopy late last year. That same 20 something also has the local legend. It will take a sub 6 min/mile pace to crack the top 10.

Great morning at GAGA…errr…Caboose. Thanks for joining men. We lifted up Crab Legs’s M and his family. Thanks for the opportunity to Q at Caboose Turnpike and thanks to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. Until the next time…