GAGA on Fire

Event Date

Jan 07, 2020


11 of the fastest men in Isotope (including Coin Toss not signed up on the website) toed the line to go fast because its Tuesday. Everyone got 4.5-7.5 miles. Here is their story:


Billy Bob and Mini Me broke into GAGA for the early edition…strong work gents


1 lap warm up around the #GetYaSomeGAGA full loop

6 x 800s

1 lap cool down around the #GetYaSomeGAGA full loop

Recover recover 



  • Lots of strong work all around from guys training for all different things
  • 800s never get easier…tough workout
  • Woodstock, BC & TC led the way this morning
  • Whole 30 does not make running fast any easier
  • GAGA is not reopened permanently. This was a pop up edition and will probably continue intermittantly through the winter…watch for PB. Don't worry, GAGA will be back in all its glory on a full time basis come spring time.
  • Thanks to Hoodie for the opportunity to Q. GAGA is awesome anytime you can get it. Strong work this morning men. Until the next time…