Gathering Tricky Treats

11 pax emerged in the misty gloom wondering if they'd get a good enough workout from the Q in order to eat all the candy they wanted…  and we all went trick or treating!  

Warm-o-rama:  Long snappers.  Yep, that's all.  Time to go trick-or-treating.

Swing by YHC's vehicle as that's where there just happened to be a trick or treating bag.  We grabbed that and moseyed.

Mosey out of the AO, into Torance.  The pax was given which hill they wanted to climb.  Popular answer:  "Neither"  Final answer, "The shorter, steeper one"

Up the hills and through the 'hood we moseyed.  Then it was time to ring a doorbell and see what we could get.  

1st stop, Sack Daddy's house.  SD came to the door and put goodies into YHC's bag.  "Thanks!  Hey – wanna join us?" "Sure!" And then we had one more pax.

2nd stop, The Colonel's house.  TC came to the door and also dropped numerous goodies into the bag.  "Hey wanna join us?"  "Yeah!"  And then we had one more pax.

3rd stop, Happy Gilmore's house.  HG was sitting on the front steps doing a 90 degree upright glute-plank.  But he, too, had goodies!  And he, too, joined us!  And then we had a full pax.

Mosey to PPP (Pimps Pride Point" for warm-o-rama for all the pax.  Mosey to the next corner for a lil more of that.  Then mosey back to the AO.

Hey let's see what's in the goodie bag!  Wow – so many goodies!  The pax would take turns pulling a goodie out of the bag.  No not candy.  Not even raisins – these goodies were excercises!!!  Yuck!  🙁

YHC's 3 mo-Qs were creative with exercises, and not very kind.  T-Claps to Sack Daddy who's were written on orange pumpkin paper and included tiny stickers and creative names such as "Plank Jack-o-lanterns" and "Monster Merkins" to name a couple.  The Colonel borrowed ideas from Baller (or he at least deflected to Baller as the pax complained).  Happy Gilmore's had exercise ideas AND real candy!

We got through all the exercise goodies, plus 50 Suzanne Somers as we bode farewell to October, then we "Walking Dead Lung"ed to YHC's big, long, thick, black…. rope for MWAR.

The Tricky, Sticky Moleskine:

Good stuff fellas – appreciate the help from my mo-Qs.

Not only did we pick up 3 pax at their houses, but Toxic and Amen were lurking in the dark when we arrived back at the AO.  So we let them join us.

It wasn't raining…  but sure was wet.

That's it.  That's the backblast.  My pumpkin keg of bourbon and cider awaits.  The Force is OUT.

