Gazelles vs Normal folk – Friday Fun Run

Event Date

Jul 06, 2018


0525 YHC comes strolling down Crepe Ridge to see Goodwrench, Hop Hunter (FNG-1), and GW's friend Brett from Durham (FNG-2). 

We know what Goodwrench and Hop Hunter can do, but Brett looked like he could smoke both of them.  Quickly realizing that I am going to struggle keeping up with these Gazelles I started thinking about changing up the route so I could do a gathering run with them. 

Luckily, Blart comes trotting up, and Abrams shows up last minute and agree to hang back with me.  We give Dandelion a 1 minute grace period, no deep rumbling sounds from the Tundra, so we take off back to the entrance of SV headed to Eastwind Cove on Webb with a quick hurdle over a badly mutilated possum.  I'm sure Skipper left that present for us on his way to School Belles.

Passing the concrete plant we notice a car slow down behind us…it's Dandelion in his wife's Pilot.  He's been partying it up with family all week so his normal 2 minutes late increased to 5 today.  Headed into Eastwind Cove, and YHC may have mentioned an upcoming segment for Abrams to beast, so he did…and took Skipper out by an easy 11 seconds.

By this time the gazelles, being led by GW, were doing 7 min miles and then jogging back to make sure we were all still alive.  Meanwhile I keep chatting with Hop Hunter as he jogs by slowing him down way behind the other two.  I finally cut him loose to chase them down and he takes a CR without even trying. 

We take a left on Blades and head back to the AO, dropping Blart off at Covington, and Brett at Burton.  Everyone else arrived back at SVU sweaty, sloppy, and satisfied…just the way I like it.

BRR Training at Abrams house this Sunday – plan to tackle those hills and get 12-13 miles in if anyone is interested.

Enjoyed it Men – Have a great Friday!