Geeez, this Bootlegger comes early……

Event Date

Jan 09, 2016

It was said to be a raucous night down south where a fabulous roast was given for MiniMe, ostensibly.

As such, YHC was tapped by said Master Q @Pierogi to lead up the gloomy, moist and dark BootleggerTM this fine morning at The Glen.  The Q was cleanly planned, polished, and honed, then summarily scrapped for the following:

  • Warm ups:Mozy, high knees, butt kickers, R/L karaoke, kick steppers
  • COP (all counts IC): SSH 20, IST 15, WM'S 10, Cotton Pickers 15, MC's 20, Merkins 10
  • Mozy to  lower crack house, gather for some dips 10 IC, Incline one arm (yeah Bro, that's ONE ARM) Merkins 5 IC each side, then partner
  • One partner throws legs of other partner down to R/center/L, 10 reps, rinse and repeat.
  • Dips 10 IC, declines 10 IC, Mozy to boat launch area for some pleasant rock work (unless your nickname is Usain)
  • Select rock, line up parallel to parking lot on grass, down hill, about 86 ft from pavement
  • Ladder-10 curls, run up to parking lot (said 86 ft.) 10 burpees, run back down to rocks, 10 curls is constant, burpees rachet down to 8, 6….2. Audible to 'continuous curls' at 6 burpee rotation to gather the six due to Chief's……..'deliberate' burpee pace.
  • Set work: Skull crushers 10 IC, run 86 ft. to parking lot, 10 single count Merkins. Repeato x 2
    • Mil presses 10 IC, NOW partner up, piggy back partner up AND back to lot, 10 jump squats on top, repeato, switch partner carry, last set is bear crawl up and run back down…..return rocks to the EXACT same place as before.
    • Mozy back to lower crack den
  • Mary: legs up on benches-20 slow LBC's IC, lower flutter 20 IC. Recover, recover


  • It was fantastic to see the crowd, which went from 4-6 AFTER the  first COP due to Chief and Fiddler emerging from the gloom and joining the frey……or is it fray?
  • During the partner carry, Usain felt something he didn't want to feel, I think in his back.  Now Agent Orange is not a heavy man, but it was wet and slippery, especially on that descent.  So I formally apologize for calling that particular excercise, at that time, in those conditions.
  • This Bootlegger is something special.  I believe the original purpose was for folks to grab an 'early' workout, then bug out if need be due to family schedules, or maybe, just MAYBE double down.  As such, Chief, Fiddler, LoveShack and I all doubled, which was a great idea, until we realized Crack was Qing the 7-8 Post, uh oh….
  • Agent Orange was very leary of the seemingly abundant 'spread your legs' requests, but quickly jumped in and participated in our non-Deliverance type exercises.
  • Thanks Men, as always, for the pleasure to lead.
  • PLEASE sign up to Q a post, it's absolutely a very fulfulling endeavor, I assure you…. yes yes, I assure you:-)