Gen 3:15 – Crush the snake!!

Event Date

Jan 09, 2016



44 Pax gathered for a Gen 3:15 inspired workout.  We are reminded that we have the power to "crush his (the snake) head".  And that is just what we did…


15 SSH

15 IST

15 Merkins

15 Mtn Climber

Leg stretches


1. 15 Box Jumps, 15 Dips, 15 Box Cutters  / 3 sets repeating "snake" style (1,2,3…3,2,1…1,2,3)

2. Snake run to the Davidson track…wind our way through the various paths on campus

3. Snake the bleachers.  At first 3 exits, 15 CDD.  At last 3 exits, 15 jumpees.

4. 15 Alt Lunges, 15 Mary Katherines, 15 Squats / 3 sets repeating "snake" style

5. Snake the bleachers.  Straight through…no pain stations

6. Calf raises – 15 straight toes, 15 toes out, 15 toes in. 

7. 15 Bleacher push ups (feet in the middle, one hand on lower bleacher, one hand on upper)

8.  Repeat steps 6 and 7

9.  1/2 lap around track.  Stop for 15 Merkins, 15 Wide Merkins.

10. 1/2 lap around track.  Stop for 15 Diamond Merkins, 15 Merkins 

11.  Snake the bleachers straight through

12. Mosey back to green for Mary

13. "Not so Lazy Boys" – on your six, recline to position where abs are strained but back isn't, hold for 15 seconds, rotate right and hold 15 seconds, back to middle and hold 15 seconds, rotate left and hold 15 seconds, back to middle and hold 15 seconds.

14. COT and Ball of Man to close out a GREAT workout.