General St. Patrick

The General showed 19 St. Paddy's Day soldiers this morning for a great start to the weekend (for some of us anyway!)


15 Cotton Pickers IC
15 Toy Soldiers IC
10 Merkins IC
20 Mountain Climbers IC

The Thang:

Mosey to the wall
People's chair + airpresses x 20
Balls to the wall

Modified Bataan Death March up to to front entrance of the park then back down hill.  Last man drops and does 5 Merkins before sprinting to front.  Love this one.  I think this is YHC's signature "move" from now on…

Lazy Dora

100 merkins, 200 LBC's, 300 squats

Round 1:
Partner 1 Merkins x 10 while partner 2 planks, switch at 10, and repeato until they reach 100.  Run to top of hill and back.

Round 2:  
Partner 1 LBC's x 20 while parnter 2 holds legs out at 6", switch at 20 count, and repeato until they reach 200.  Run to top of hill and back.

Round 3:
Partner 1 Squats x 30 while partner 2 does Al Gore, switch at 30 count, repeato until 300 reps.

Mosey to rock pile for some upper body work, all IC

Full curls x 10
Skull crushers x 10
Shoulder press x 10

Move 2 to the left, repeato x 2

Mosey to parking lot for Mary

Rosalita – Deep Dish
Dying Cockroach – Holiday
Slow Merkins – Landline
Elbow plank – Kid Rock

Thanks to Rocket for showing "perfect" form on the Toy Soldiers.  The PAX certainly learned a lot, and after much grief given, their count was all over the place.

Magnus and Swing State took the lead during Dora and never looked back.  Tclaps!

Not much mumblechatter, but also not much time during the March and subsequent Lazy Dora. Lots of complaints going on at the far end of the circle by the rock pile though.  
Something about the size of Uncle Rico's rock and getting stuck with it after rotating. Sorry Snake Eyes and Magnus!  Looks like you got caught this time.  Kudos to Uncle Rico for always showing strong.  

Hat Trick got caught in the middle of something foul during Mary.  From the sound of it, I'm glad I was clear of the blast radius.

2 missing from the list:  Moe & Larry.  Despite the temptation, I'm not going to say it…

A quick history lesson on St. Patrick's background before the prayer. 

Thanks to Landline for the opportunity to Q this morning, and to the solid group of guys that
showed this morning.  It's always a privilege to lead.  Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Deep Dish

P.S. Kid Rock, please see above description of the Lazy Dora.  Your request for an email transcript has been acknowledged!