Generally No Running Through The Wilderness

Event Date

Aug 05, 2021

Ten of the finest pax in F3LKN ventured into the wilderness on warm 65° morning.  Turnpike and YHC ran a 2.64 mile standard on the back half of the HH course through MacAulay.

Mosey to traffic circle for traditional warmarama where Toxic had to remind my loud ass not to wake the neighbors.  Mosey back to clubhouse stopping halfway for 10 burpees OYO.  Not one person complained about running to the trafic circle or doing burpees.  

Partner up for some Dora.  One partner runs around Whoville tree while other partner does:

100 incline merkins

100 squat jumps

100 dry docks

200 squats

200 Lunges

Then we circled up for an ab heavy session of mary.

Big thanks to Amen for allowing me to Q at a great AO!  Wilderness is always a blast and I love working out with my Wynfield neihbors (noticeably absent Die Hard)!

See you in the gloom,
