Generally Speaking

11 PAX got after it in a sweaty, soupy, humidity induced sweat-fest.

YHC is late with the back blast – so you get the Cliff’s Notes version:



Take a lap

Warm o rama

Head to the near rock pile – find a rock your mama would be proud of.

Plenty of rock exercises you can be sure.

Jack Webbs – it’s been a while for this.  Execution was not entirely on point, but our shoulders got smoked, which was the point.

Find a partner for DORA on a hill – 2 sets for each partner, while the other ran up and down the hill: CDD, Squats, LBCs.

Head to the wall – assorted wall exercises and bear crawling and lunge walking across the lot.

Head towards home – stop at the top of the hill for pigeon.  

Take a lap around the playground on the way back to the launch pad.

MARY – including a Stromboli lead Crunchy Frog – a Classic!!


  • Extra credit goes to Jersey Boy who has been posting this week with a torn ACL.  Modify as necessary.
  • Prayers up for Oyster’s Sister and Brother-in-law – who are both dealing with heart procedures.  

Always an honor and a pleasure.