Whopping turnout of 31 men this morning threw YHC off as he had expected to lose a lot of Pax to the Month of Mona and #QvQ. Ponzi was also at the workout but is not signed up on the website. He posts pretty regularly but isn't getting any of that backblast credit – someone get this guy signed up.


All exercises were done in a 21-count or a 19-count to honor the two students who lost their lives at UNCC. Riley Howell, 21 years old, and Ellis Parlier, 19 years old. We pledged allegiance and very short moseyed to the parking lot for:


  • SSH x 21 IC
  • IST x 19 IC
  • Carrot puller x 21 IC
  • Peter Parkers x 19 IC


Mosey to baseball diamond for “Field of Dreams”

Pax count off by fours. 1s start at First Base and do AMRAP Squats until relieved. 2s start at Second Base and do AMRAP Merkins until relieved. 3s start at Third Base and do AMRAP LBC's until relieved. 4s start at Home Plate and will perform 19 Burpees then run to First, relieving the Pax there. Continue until all Pax have done the Burpees.


Mosey to the rock pile

Brotherhood of the Traveling Rocks

  • All pax except one will select a rock and then circle up. Pax perform rock exercises AMRAP while the Pax without a rock does 21 Merkins OYO. When the merkins are complete, all Pax then pass the rock to the o their left. Continue until every Pax has done 21 Merkins. (YHC may need to tweak this one as there were issues with rock passing. May be that it's more of a small-group workout or every other pax doesn't have a rock in order to make it flow more smoothly. It's a work in progress.)

Squat Potato!

  • Pax circle up while Q picks out a nice heavy rock. All pax get into squat position and pass around the rock (like a hot potato) until Q says halt. Dropping the rock results in a 21-burpee penalty for all pax. Titan jack-assed it at the beginning so he had to the burpees on his own.


Return rock and Mosey to the playground

  • Dips x 19 IC
  • Pull ups x10 OYO
  • Dips x 19 IC
  • Puls ups x 11 OYO



  • Low flutter x 21 IC
  • LBC x 19 IC
  • Rosalita x 21 IC
  • Parker peter x 21 IC

Recover. Recover.



  • YHC never had to wrangle so many pax and realized it is quite a challenge.
  • Toxic came up with a fantastic nickname of Dingo's dog. From here on out, her F3 name will be "Berry". Dingo Berry.
  • 98 Degrees is apparently working out with a broken ankle. Take care of yourself brother! A day off won't hurt.
  • Many of us are very fortunate in our lives and we should all take a moment to appreciate all that we have and never take it for granted. Two families lost sons on Monday who had bright futures ahead of them. Riley Howell gave up his life to save the lives of countless students and he should be remembered as an American hero. Let's also pray that the 4 injured students, Drew Pescaro, Emily Houpt, Sean DeHart, and Rami Al-Ramadhan recover fully so that no more pain can come from that day.


Thank you all for the opportunity to lead. Until next time – CB
