Gentle Message

Event Date

Feb 15, 2021

In celebration of President's Day, 3 gents kicked off a delayed workout at 7am. 



Windmill 10 IC

Carrot Puller 10 IC

Merkin 10 IC

1 Leg walk out planks – 50 SC



Format: 40 seconds of exercise, *40 seconds of abs, 10 seconds off

Exercises – I'll try to remember them all


Incline merkins

decline merkins

bench dips

peter parker

parker peter 

bear crawl explosive pushup 

jump squat

reverse lunge twist 

step ups


Plank shoulder taps

super man

*abs were alternating leg lift, lbc, w up, american hammer. Natty jumped in with a turkish half up. And finish was 1 minute of earthquake. 

Natty will be chasing tail around CLT this morning. Lobster that is. Valentines cooking adventure tonight with wifey and the boys. 
Rambler and Surf remembering good beverages and eats over off Montford. 
Praise for Natty's dad getting to rehab and a double COVID negative. 
Great showing from everyone this AM. 
It was my honor to lead.