Get a grip God!

There were also runners, they weren't in COT, not sure who they all were. Ping me if you need a participation trophy. 


Circle up around the flag, pledge of allegiance, SSH, IST, Hill billies, cotton pickers, Mericans. 

First Memorial day trivia question, "What was Memorial Day formerly known as?", correctly answered resulted in only 5 more mericans. (answer: Decoration Day)

Mosey to pullup bars for Thang 1:

Break up into 3 groups, group 1 to th pullup bars, group 2 to the raised swingset area, group 3 to the baseball field stairs. Group 1 does 5 pullups & 10 mericans, group 2 does 20 dips, group 3 bunny-hops up stairs then 15 squats. Rotate through and repeato as needed. Second Memorial day trivia question, "What year was Decoration Day first observed?" was incorrectly answered resulting in backwards repeato. (answer: 1861 in Warrenton, VA during the Civil War)

Mosey to rockpile by soccer field for Thang 2:

Pick a rock your girlfriend/M/whatever would be proud of and line up on the soccer field goal line (incorrectly called base line by YHC as pointed out by some pax). 1st round of exercises (curls, military press, bent over rows, skull crushers, and shambalas (a standing bench press)) x 12 in cadence, run to the half-way line and back. 2nd round x 10 in cadence, run to far goal line and back, 3rd round x 7 (there were many calls for doing 7 for inside joke reasons), run to far goal line and back.

Mosey to soccer field stairs, lunge walk up. Third Memorial Day question, "What was the original observance day before 1970?". Correct answer resulted in a trip to the bottom of the stairs and normal run up in lieu of more lunges. (answer: May 30th regardless of day of the week)

Mosey back to start for Mary:

Went around the circle doing various mary exercises, including Lear's 72 in cadence LBCs. Thankfully, no one called burpees resulting in a 100% burpee-free workout.


WD – Lear, WB – Stroker Ace or Banana Peel… YHC forgets

Please enjoy your Memorial Day (formerly known as Decoration Day) as you remember those who have paid the ultimate price of the freedom we enjoy. 

The Monster Mile moves to Hope Park at 7 AM Monday for a Memorial Murph. Please bring the name of a service member who has passed who you'd like to honor at the COT.
