Get off me, freak!

Event Date

May 05, 2018


  >> Jersey Boy is posting this BB for Boar Hog, who's still recovering from his explosive diarrhea. <<

Moses, Titan, Mojito, and Landline (I think) did a 3.5 mile standard. Or maybe it was Waffle House. . .

Although YHC posted a preblast promising fun and games, Moses EH’d Boar Hog into accepting the Q that was thrust upon him on the prior Saturday.

We had no fun and played no games.

Here are the stories that formed the sections of the workout, as left behind on a Boar Hog’s last-minute winkie:

Boar Hog started his first Q in years (and second Q ever) with an admission that he was so nervous about the Q that he didn’t sleep and had explosive diarrhea. The term “TMI” doesn’t even begin to cover it.

We ran to the tennis courts, did a couple of standard warmup exercises, and then 10 sets of four-stop suicides with 10 merkins after each.

We got another colorful lead-in from Boar Hog, who shared that his son was playing golf in college and had a questionnaire that asked if either of his parents had been athletes. Boar Hog explained that he started playing soccer, then switched to baseball, and finally lettered in rugby (or something like that). His son summarily dismissed all of these activities as insignificant while completely missing the irony in the fact that golf comes only slightly ahead of chess as a sport.

YHC forgot this story, but it ended with the Pax only being able to say: “Boar Hog, this sucks!” (And it did.) We ran from foul pole to foul pole with merkins and prisoner squats at each end.

We ran down the trail to a random bench to hear another story. Boar Hog’s daughter picked up a bad habit watching I-Carly, which involved saying “Get off me, freak!” and “That’s inappropriate! So that led us into the partner leg throwdowns and partner carries, which certainly merit both responses.

We did some Mary’s and Merkins and other odds and ends to wrap up the workout. Somebody's watch said it all added up to 3.1 miles, so some ground was covered.

Boar Hog took us out for the COT and we were all wishing that we had played some Ultimate instead.

Boar Hog’s winkie ended with the cryptic notes:

I have no idea what that means.

There were probably a lot more exercises and at least one other story in there somewhere, but YHC will have to be forgiven because he’s getting old. Oh, and IT WASN’T EVEN MY Q !!

Thank you, Boar Hog, for Qing and your welcome for doing the backblast.

Some of us shuffled off to Waterbean, where Boar Hog and I stayed until 9:30 talking about race issues and other light-hearted topics.

Thanks for showing up, gents. Imma recycle my preblast for next week!