Get to the bridge at Arnie’s Army

NOT in attendance:  Ramrod.

On a coldish (3 layers) day at Arnie's Army, here is roughly what we did:

0500:  ~2.5 mile run standard with Tagless and Turncoat.  As advertised, we did not stray from a one-road-route as we stayed on Devonshire the entire time.  Due to recent events in Hilton Head, YHC is prohibited from any routes involving turns. 



Dynamic warm-up including 3 laps around the parking lot, featuring:

  1. Mosey downhill, Quadraphelia uphill
  2. Side shuffle left / right downhill, high knees uphill
  3. Karaoke left / right downhill, exagerated long striders uphill

Circle up, disclaimer given.  Continued warm-up included:

  • SSH x 15 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean farmers x 15 IC
  • Slow deep squats x 20 IC
  • Glute raise, both legs x 30 seconds
  • Glute raise, one leg x 15 seconds each side

Everyone grabbed a block, and we headed for the road doing curls x AMRAP.  Partner up. 

The "Get to the Bridge Thing":

  • Zamporini carry AFAP (as far as possible).  The first person to lower their block, we stopped there.
  • Partner 1: Slow deep block squats
  • Partner 2: Run to the bridge and back
  • Repeato until 100 team reps achieved
  • Partner 1: Bent over block rows
  • Partner 2: Run to the bridge and back
  • Repeato until 125 team reps achieved
  • Partner 1: Low flutters
  • Partner 2: Run to the bridge and back
  • Repeato until 250 team reps achieved
  • Partner 1: Elbow plank
  • Partner 2: Run to the bridge and back
  • Flip flop
  • Partner 1: Squats AMRAP
  • Partner 2: Run to the bridge and back
  • Flip flop
  • In between sets, there was some additional planking and stretching.

Farmer carry blocks back to the AO.  Put them down for a while for:

  • Lunge walk around the entire parking lot
  • Put blocks away via skull crushers AMRAP
  • Mosey to my car for Mary.


  • Quad stretches.  The Q suggested the Pax touch their ears for balance.  Depending on who you ask, this was either a great suggestion or a test to see if the Pax would fall for such a crazy idea *shrug*

Recover, recover.  According to Strava, we covered 1.8 miles.


  • TBC is moving to the UK.  Friday.  🙁
  • That's it, that's the moleskin.  We prayed for safe travels for our friend and that he may be able to visit his family easily before they move over in June. 
  • There was some other worthy mumble chatter.  But nothing, truthfully, as impactful as missing such a HIM for ~2 years.  We are happy for his job opportunity but sad to see him gone for a while. 
  • On Friday, TBC will Q at Emmaus for the last time "in a while".  Yes it's earlier.  But Jedi is buying coffee so there's no excuse to FS.

Thank you Turncoat for the opportunity to lead.  It was YHC's first Q of 2020 so it is time to get my butt in gear more often.



