Get to Work

Event Date

Jun 06, 2016


7 pax focused on "works" at The Berean. This is their story:


YHC previewed The Berean's version of the bonesaw by way of a 2 mile run over to and up/down Redcliff Dr and back


YHC met Fiddy, Olive, and Jimmy O just in time to turn back around for 30 minutes of hill repeats on Redcliff.


Mosey over to the old Lowe's



IST x 10 IC

Cotton picker x 10 IC


Remember D Day WIB

Burpees x 6 OYO

Thrusters x 6 OYO

Merkins x 19 IC

Low Flutter x 44 IC

Mosey around the parking lot island

Repeato, Repeato, Repeato, Repeato

Mosey back to Madalyn's

Recover Recover


Continued in James 2:14 – 26

Are we saved by grace through faith alone or do we also need good works?

This morning we discussed what it means to have faith and how faith is made complete through deeds. We compared James' view on faith to Pauls' view from Eph 2:8-9 and Galatians 3:6-12 and discussed how James is not arguing that good works are required for salvation nor is he saying deeds are more important than beliefs. Rather he is showing that there are two types of faith: Faith made complete and faith without deeds.

James 2:18-19: "Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds."

It is always refreshing to spend time in James as he is practical and the text is so clear. I don't think you can read these verses enough. Of course there was a lot of discussion that came out of this morning regarding faith with deeds.

  • Particularly loved Fiddy's discussion on taking the right fork in the road when the time presents itself…preach on brother.
  • So many nuggets came out of this morning which is the norm on a Monday at The Berean. Glad to have Olive in the pax this morning. Keep coming back…we need you at The Berean.
  • Jimmy O, Olive, and Fiddy all looked strong on the hills this morning. One heck of a way to start a week.
  • Etch gave us the rundown on PB&J sandwiches #Show2Know
  • Dingo refused to sweat during the D Day WIB…just too easy I guess
  • Suds and Ameoba with the fly by this morning

Thanks for the opportunity to Q The Berean Etch. Always an honor to lead such a fine group of men. This group is such a blessing in my life. As always, thanks to the Lake Forest Men's Ministry for the EH (Email Headlock in my case) and to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. Until the next time (which is June 20 at The Vanquisher if you were wondering)…

Don Ho