Get-Up to 11s Bobby Hurley (can’t believe I’m even WRITING that name)

26 men emerged from the gloom at 0530 to honor America by pledging allegiance to the flag, serving a sizable downPAINment on the weekend (see Thang below) and learning about Captain Lance Sijan, the 1st Air Force Academy graduate to earn the medal of honor.  The downPAINment went something like this.


Warm-o-rama was led by Jersey Boy, making this his first “planned” Q, but not his virgin Q.

  • SSH x25
  • Cotton Pickers x10
  • Stationary high knees x15 (didn’t he say we were going to 20?)
  • Bobby Hurley jump squats 15 OYO

Mosey to the rock pile for a one-handed rock, which led to 11s, with rock:

  • 1 turkish get-up by the rock pile…10 burpies at the top of the hill
  • 2 turkish get-ups…9 burpies, and so on.

Plank-o-rama and Merkins x10 while reeling in the 6

Return the rocks and mosey to the playground for another round of 11s:

  • 1 werkin (wall merkin)…10 reverkins on the bar (i.e. Australian pull-ups)
  • 2 werkins…9 reverkins, and so on.

Audible called as time was running out.  Mosey to launch point for final COP.

  • Shoulder touch merkins x15
  • Low flutter x20

Recover. Recover.  That may not look like much, but it left a mark.


  1. Tclaps to Jersey Boy for his first official lead.  Aside from YHC’s abrupt hand-off between the pledge and the warmorama and the ensuing mumblechatter, and some atmospheric interference that blocked out his early counting, it was PERFECT! I’m looking forward to your next Q.
  2. Samsonite is the only pax to have been present for all of Jersey Boy’s Qs.  Keep your streak alive, Samsonite!
  3. Tclaps Turncoat, Geek, and Mayhem for putting in 3 miles before the workout
  4. Uncle Rico’s one-handed rock was the size of a small boulder. About half way through the 1st set of 11s, he decided that rock was too big for get-ups, so he picked up a second, smaller rock and carried BOTH for the remainder of the 11s.  Strong.  In related news, U.Rico’s muscular body has finally outgrown his Honda Civic and the pax will be taking up a collection in the coming weeks to buy him a car that fits his stature.
  5. Tclaps Aussie!  It’s good to see you back in the fold…i.e. it’s good that the temperature is now higher than 59 degrees and your doctor has released you from winter hibernation. The pax may not know that your medical condition (“Hypothermic-at-59-Degrees”) is being studied by the American Medical Association.
  6. Waffle has hit his allowed workouts for the week and will be out of state for several days to ensure he doesn’t exceed his workout limit.
  7. Metallica, Beetlejuice, The Geek, Mayhem, & Turncoat pushed the pace in the 11s. Nice job, men.
  8. Thanks to Landline for the opportunity to lead this fine group of men. Your predecessor Master Qs gave you some serious grief for the absence of the shovel flag. Tsk, tsk.
  9. Shout out to Kingfish for the great example set in the early days of the General. I miss the American War Hero lessons and brought back a brief lesson on Captain Lance Sijan today, may he RIP.