Get Ya Some GA…dyssey

Event Date

Jun 04, 2021


9 of the fastest pax in Isotope took advantage of the MQ on IR and GOT THEM SOME GAGA. Here is their story:



Run ~1 mi to Robbins Park


8 x 0.25 mi intervals w/ 0.10 mi active recovery on the Get Ya Some GAGA loop


Run ~1 mi back to Birkdale Starbucks 

Recover recover



  • Heal up Royale…the pax expressed their level of "excitement" for YHC on Q
  • Lots of new pax to the GAGA loop…everyone crushed it and no one lost a hammy, AYE
  • Shrooms can't resist GAGA and dragged his ducky along for the ride
  • Hoodie has officially kicked off training kinda
  • Auto "Total Whined" Odyssey…ummm soft
  • Slingshot & Enron are getting fast…an FKT belt is coming
  • Swing State lit up the course with his legs and his shirt
  • Omar refused to come back to the pax…smoked it
  • Cuz Eddie can't resist a chance to go fast…strong
  • Omar has the Odyssey Q next week while Royale heals up
  • Thanks for the opportunity to Q Royale. Always happy to steal a Q and make the pax go fast on a Friday. Thanks to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. You men always make it awesome. Until the next time…