14 got them some #GAGA and got faster in the process. Here is their story:
Run the specified 0.8 mi loop with the first 0.5mi @ 5K pace and the remaining 0.3 mi at an active recovery pace
6 x 800m @ 5K pace with a warm up and cool down
For those that didn't meet #TheStandard,
Run the specified 0.8 mi loop with the first 0.5mi @ 5K pace and the remaining 0.3 mi at an active recovery pace
4 x 800m @ 5K pace with a warm up and cool down
Recover Recover
- We scrambled to make sure we had everybody that HCd at 0500 and then left some at 0530…cobains
- Several notable HCs were not present including at least a couple BRR team captains
- Snoop and Honeybee took off like they were being chased and didn't look back
- Mini Me is quick to recovery…strong work today brother
- Good to see Freepass is becoming a regular at #GAGA…flyin' on the first lap…nice work
- Eeyore and Chapo snuck in at 0531 but got the required laps in…thx to whoever filled them in
- Love seeing the BNBRRs crushing #GAGA every week and then crushing actual #GAGA every week…Ramrod took at least one game of actual #GAGA
- F3 BRR night at Fleet Feet is tomorrow night at 7 PM at FF in Birkdale…food/beer/BRR Tips
- F3 Speed for Need at Novant Health 15K/5K is 10/1…get signed up with team "F3 Nation"…Here is the #PB: http://f3lakenorman.com/announcement/f3-speed-for-need-run-for-your-life-novant-health-15k5k
- Thanks to everyone who showed up and pushed hard this morning. Honored to lead such a great group of men for a fantastic morning of running and #2ndF. Thanks to Poptart for the push this morning. It would have been easy to scale back on any of those last three 800m segments but running with a buddy who is suffering just as much as you somehow makes it worthwhile to continue to push until the finish, AYE! Until the next time…
Don Ho