‘Get Your Block On’


20 SS hop, 20 cotton pickers, 20 mountain climbers, arm circles front and back



– Started with a big loop around the ELHS parking lot, down the gravel path and hill to the pile of cinder blocks, which turned out to be less in # than the bakers dozen that showed up to get their block on.

– carried the blocks back up the hill to the parking lot to face the benches

– the fun began by partnering up, then;

–  (round 1) 1 partner did step ups to the bench, 10 each leg (while curling the block), while the other partner did 10 incline 'mercians on the curb in cadence (switch)

– (round 2) 1 partner did 10 dips on the bench in cadence while the other partner did 10 decline 'mericans in cadence on the curb (switch)

– (round 3) 1 partner did 10 block rows with each arm on the bench while the other did 10 burpees (switch)

– (round 4) 1 partner did 10 block, squat presses (in cadence) while the other partner did 10 LBC's in cadence (swithc)

– Indian run around the parking lot

– Repeat 4 rounds of block exercises

– 1 partner carried 2 blocks down the parking lot stretch and back while the other partner planked (switch)

– carried the blocks bag

– mosy to the parking lot

6 minutes of mary (several pax called out different ab exercises)

Devo:  Romans 5:1-5


Nice work to all the pax, y'all got your block on.