Get your caboose up those hills

Event Date

Feb 06, 2025

Pax of 8 assembled at the Caboose at Veteran’s park in HTV for a running of #TheCaboose that would force them to get their caboose up some steep hills in Vermillion.   All in between 4.5 and 5 miles.  Good times.

COT happened


  • Tclaps to Ping for grabbing extra miles with an early launch.
  • Also tclaps to Ping for seeing a Porche with its trunk open, and making the wise decision that 3 weeks in to immigrant intolerance and deportations is the perfect time for a hispanic man in a hoodie to snoop around a porche and then ring a doorbell at 5am.  If we start seeing ICE patty wagons in the ‘Tope we will know who caused the alarm.
  • Crocs covered the six, even when we split into a couple sixes, he covered it all.  That’s the heart of someone who paces 10 races a year
  • BEP and TBone said “yeah we know the area” and proceeded to #straythecourse to perfection to finish altogether.
  • Chilly, Beave, Mr Holland thanks for keeping the conversation going on the uphills — it truly helps the mental game to get up them
  • I’m not sure if Mr Holland can stop time or if I am that damn slow, but he stopped for a code brown and caught me less than half a mile later
  • Thanks for humoring me on the run.  A lot of hills out there.  ***upcoming dad joke alert *** it feels like a million of them so when I run it, on Strava I call it  (Ver)million Hillworx.  But those hills pay divedends in the long run for sure.  And today the pax crushed it.