Get Your Minds Right (Into the Gutter)

Eight men were not put off by the filth that was posted in the pre-blast and took advantage of the first morning this week above 50 degrees to see what YHC would dole out. The “pearls on a necklace” workout has been around since the beginning, and men better than me have come up with workouts like “Street Light Boogie”, but my mind isn’t right and so naturally it went straight to the gutter(s).

Moments after Bagboy arrived on two wheels, we commenced with a short mosey around the bend complete with butt kickers and high knees, winding up at the crossroads of Hickory and Zion. A short introduction was given that we would run to each gutter on the right where we would stop for an exercise. YHC kicked us off with SSH (and then threw in some Windmills for good measure). We moseyed to the next gutter for ‘Mericans and then the pax were called on to offer an exercise of their choice at each of the following grates.

We meandered down Hickory which became Lovers Lawn. When that ended, we took a left on Market St which brought us back to the Teeter. A quick left on Lawn Market followed by a right back on Hickory and we returned to the starting point with just under 2 miles earned and 2 minutes to go — just enough time for a wall exercise before praying it out and heading to Dunkin’. Possum joined us post-Spearhead, and true to the gutter theme, shared some turtle porn with us. #S2K