Get your Mojo!

Nine men met on an early morning at Cobale to get their Mojo on a Thursday morning.


  • Side Stradle Hop 25x IC
  • Cherry Pickers 10x IC
  • Windmill 10x IC
  • Toy Soldier 10x IC
  • 1 Burpee for Slow Roll…

Main Event: A carousel of exercises.  AMRAP for 30 seconds and then switching to next station.  After four stations, run ~0.5 miles and continue.  Did circuit twice, with second circuit being 40 seconds per station.  Sorry men, did I forget to say that I increased the timer?

  • Arm curls with 20 lb dumbbells
  • Mason Twist
  • Forward Raise with 8 lb dumbbells
  • LBC
  • Lawn Mower Merkins with 10 lb dumbbells
  • Dips
  • WW2
  • Row with 60 lb sandbag
  • Froggie
  • Skull Crusher with 25 lb dumbbell
  • WMD
  • Peter Parker



  • March to Homer
  • Flutter
  • Rosalita
  • Jane Fonda
  • LBC – Twister
  • Leg Lift – Slow Roll
  • Hello Dolly – Tool Time
  • Mason Twist – Grip


  • Return Q for Mojito after 10 weeks off.  
  • Mix of abs work gave everyone a chance to enjoy the starry sky.
  • Natty will be heading to Clemson Football game and will not make it to Charlotte half marathon.  If anyone is interested in taking his place, let him know.
  • Slow Roll and Pinky kept competing for the fastest run
  • Q was surprised that Grip did not call the Box Cutter, his favorite
  • Thank you Slow Roll for taking us out
  • Great to be back!