Gettin it on at Muscle Beach

10 men appeared in the gloom for a metal meeting at muscle beach.


SSH's, Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Arm Rolls, etc., run 1 lap around parking lot

The Thang;

10 reps at each station followed by ab set.

  1.  Lunge Press 25lb kettle
  2.  Exercise Ball Fly 25lb dumbbells
  3.  Single arm deadlift press 30lb kettlebells
  4.  Squat 60lb sandbag
  5.  Scaption 15lb dumbbells
  6.  bench press 40lb dumbbells
  7.  Step ups 20 lb kettlebells
  8.  Clean press 40lb sandbag
  9.  Deadlift row 55lb or 45lb kettle
  10.  Plank/Mercan/Mountain climber row 10lb dumbbell
  11.  Bent Row 35lb Kettlebell
  12.  Curls 30lb dumbells

1st set pax did 10 leg lifts after each station and then ran a lap

2nd round, pax did 10 crunchy frogs after each station and ran a lap


Pick your poison…grab a weight…weighted mary…

  1.  Weighted Mason Twists
  2.  Weighted W's 


  • Great turnout today for metal workout.  
  • Everyone showed up ready to go to work!
  • Grip was so excited, his first set was on the exercise ball and he bounced right off it…and then bounced right back on..
  • pax did 120 leg lifts and 120 crunchy frogs between stations
  • Natty supplied the tunes this am, had his country on, there's still hope yet!
  • Slow Roll, "How was your trip?", Krugerrand, "It sucked!"  Apparently all was not well in South Africa, border patrol thought Krugerrand was trying to smuggle in some kids…, and evidently there's some places you don't want to stay too long or even end up at.
  • Stay tuned for "Tips from Grip"
  • Prayers go up for Sarah Owings and Double
  • Solid Effort Men!