0500- Ichabod runs a lonely standard, practicing running with a weighted vest for this weekends event.
0530- Time to get HARD
- SSH x20
- IST x10
- Toy Soldier x10
- Carrot puller x10
- Mountain climber x10
The thang:
Partner up for Dora
- Partner 1- squat jumps down / run back
- Partner 2- 200 KB swings
- Partner 1- BJ burpee down / run back
- Partner 2- 200 KB skull crusher
- Partner 1- lunge walk down / run back
- Partner 2- 200 KB curls
- Partner 1- quadraphilia down / run back
- Partner 2- 200 KB squats
- Partner 1- bear crawl down / run back
- Partner 2- 200 KB overhead press
- Partner 1- side shuffle down / run back
- LBC x15
- American hammer x15
- Low flutter x15
- Box cutter x15
- Crunchy frog x15
- WW2 x15
- Suzanne somers x15
Recover recover
Last call to join Team Isotope for the Mount Afton Challenge this Saturday 8-10am. A totally free event just asking for donations going towards the National Alliance of Mental Illness. Come run, ruck or walk with us. If you’re free Saturday don’t miss this worthy cause. I’ll be running in honor of my brother in law, Nolan who took his life June ‘23.
Dragon Slayer calendar is WIDE open, please sign up to Q!
until next time,