Getting Jacked (Webb) with Kettlebell SuperSets at MMM

***Paul Bunyan was there but has not yet registered on F3 Isotope***

18 men braved the sub-freezing temps and started their week off right with a classic Man-Maker-Monday kettlebell beatdown.  YHC had the honor to lead the pax through 2.75 rounds of competitive supersets. 

Warm-a-rama:  we had lots to do so we made our way to the designated MMM parking lot area at 5:29.  YHC kept the promised "zero running" from the pre-blast.  Warm-a-rama exercises were carefully chosen to get the blood flowing to all muscles…needed to prepare for the shredding

  • Slow squat…3 count down and 1 count up.  15 IC
  • Imperial Storm Troopers x 15
  • Peter Parker x 15
  • MTN climber x 15
  • Windmill x 10

Competitive superset rounds…each superset includes exercises for the same muscle groups with little rest between exercises. 

Round 1a…Hips and Legs

  • 25 KB swings OYO
  • KB Goblet Squat x 15 IC
  • KB Alternating Back Lunge…hold KB in left hand for 5 alternating lunges IC x 5; switch to right hand for 5 more IC.

***Move 2 KBs to your right***

Round 1b…Back and biceps

  • KB curl x 20 IC
  • Plank Rows with KB in left hand x 15 IC
  • Plank Rows with KB in right hand x 15 IC
  • Lawnmower with KB in left hand x 15 IC
  • Lawnmower with KB in right hand x 15 IC

***move 1 KB to your right***

Round 1c…Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps

  • KB Jack Webb…called down for Merkin and Up for KB shoulder-press.  Went to 7…brutal
  • Upright Rows x 15 IC
  • Skull Crushers x 15 IC

***move 2 KB to your right***

Round 1d…Core and CSAUP

  • 10 KB Burpees OYO
  • Low-flutter x 20 IC
  • KB Russian-twist x 15 IC


We did 2.75 rounds…ending with Skull Crushers.  We had 1 min left to do some Box Cutters.


  • Congrats to Olive who started a new gig today and thanks for the opportunity to lead.  You've built the MMM pax up to an impressive level…threw all I had at them and they crushed it
  • I heard at least 2 BS calls…one during the KB Jack-Webbs from Shaken…the other one from Outlaw during the KB burpees (shocking)
  • We rotated by 2 KBs mostly with a couple of "1 to your right" calls to ensure we finished back at our original KB.  There was a wide range of KB weights today which made the rotations more "interesting". 
  • Thanks to Frontier's KB vault no pax went without a KB
  • Dill came back to his stomping grounds to make sure we didn't go crazy with the MMM after turning over the reins.  Not sure of the verdict…
  • Lawn Dart started his journey early today…it's a long way up to 131 Main from south of Gilead. Good work, it was worth it.
  • Professor must not have left early enough…HC?
  • All that rucking is paying off Wingman, you threw those KBs around with ease
  • Appreciate the cadence tips on the Jack Webbs Spare and Outlaw…"Down" and "Up"…so simple yet so genius

Thank you for allowing me to lead today men and thank you to Aussie for the EH way back when!
