7 men appeared in the gloom to get ripped. FNG-1 = Schwinn
SSH x 25 IC, WM x 15 IC, Mountain Man Poopers x 15 IC, CP x 15 IC, Mountain Climbers x 15 IC, Merkins x 12 IC
The Thang:
8 stations, 3 exercises at each station. Complete 10 reps of each exercise before moving to the next station.
- Lateral Raises 5's / Side to center Front Raises / Weighted Crunchy Frogs – 10lb dumbbells
- DL Row / Curl, Press, Crush / Weighted Mason Twists – 45/55lb kettlebells
- Clean Press / Arnold Press / Weighted Toe Touches – 30lb kettlebells
- Merkin Pull / Chops / W's – 40lb sandbag
- Ball Fly / Curls / Ball Transfers – 25lb dumbbells
- Incline Bench / Kettlebell Swing / Mason Twists – 35lb kettlebells or 40lb dumbbells
- 7's / Lunge with Curls / WWII's – 15lb dumbbells
- Step Ups / Squats / LBC's – 60lb sandbag
Pax did 2 rounds of 10 reps of each exercise at all 8 stations
- Mary definitely included today
- Pax did almost 500 reps of weighted exercises….ripped…
- Schwinn might get renamed to his original suggested F3 name by Natty ( Stephanee`) (pronounced steph-fahn-nee )
- Surf got into the Christmas spirits and apparently ordered a "real weighted vest" and the spirits were so good he does not know exactly what he ordered. This should be a good one, since some of the pax have taken on Slow Roll's mantra of "training too hard"! LOL.
- Surf is opening up options of letting people use his women's vest in his truck.
- Slow questioned Surf's reason for having the women's weighted vest in his car, LOL
- Just as a disclosure, as from this point forward, anyone who wears any type of weighted vest whilst working out will be referred to as a STUD!
- Great work out men! Strong push by all!
- El Tigre is hosting a Christmas party on 12/13 in Belmont. Look forward to seeing all who can make it. Details will be above in this email.