Getting Ruck “friendly’ at The Berean

Event Date

Jan 11, 2016


There is only one place that promises all three F's by 0615.  That place is called The should go…8 men would agree.  Here is their story:

0430: 7 men for a 2mile ruck around Robbins Park and Birkdale Greens.

0500: 8 men (Hello DDP) kept their rucks on for a little extra grunt work.

Warm-o-rama (see 0430 ^^^^)

Bear Crawl from Maddalyns to Elevation (took about 7 min)

HR Merkins x 15 (IC)

Low Flutters x 15 (IC)

Run a lap around the lot

HR Merkins x 15 (IC)

Box Cutters x 15 (IC)

Fireman Carry back to Maddalyn's.

COT, Coffee & Bible.

I strayed away from the bible today to put some actions to our faith.  A couple years ago I started using the format provided by GCC to develop a spirtiual growth plan.  And last year I presented it to the men of Redemption.  This year I have created my Spiritual Growth Plan using the same template.  The template is pretty self explanitory, but it doesn't work (trust me I tried) if you don't share it with somebody.  I would suggest your spouse or significant other, but also an accountability partner in F3.  I shared mine with the Pax this AM and would be happy to do so if anybody would like sit down and discuss.

Great points all around this AM. 

-Jimmy O is looking to put the lessons he learned in 2015 CSAUP to use this year.

-Etch had great inspiration to show how when you may not have hope, God can turn things around.

– Don Ho pointed out we need to be looking out for our wives Spritiual Growth as well, as we are called to be the Spiritual Leaders of our families.

– DDP glad this hit you at the right time, you took the words out of my mouth when looking at how to create goals. 

– Specific





I appreciate you guys listening to my plans for 2016 and I would ask that each of you hold me accountable to those goals.  It was an honor to lead you in a workout, and a planning session that I pray will be transformational in your lives this year.  Thanks to Etch for giving me the venue and as always to Black Eyed Pea for showing me F3.  It has and continue to be an environment of growth for me.  I would encourage you to share this gift, to let them know its more than just a workout.  Somebody is praying for it right now, give it away!

