Getting some lines in

16 came out for the usual Wednesday night festivities, it had been awhile for me but some spots you just never forget. Some ran (6) and others joined me for a boot camp that was….well mostly running.
Inclusded in the numbrs; 2 FNG's Daniel & Luke and Yogi is a regular but not listed on the site.
Dynamic warm up
run to top ramp  – SSH x 15
down ramp – IST x 10
up ramp – breakdance x 10
down ramp – jump up touch garage ceiling x 10
up ramp – windmill x 10
Grab a parking space line
first line – Merkins down line
bear crawl to next line
Squats up the line
bear crawl to next line
Mountain climbers down line
bear crawl to the next line
Allen Iverson up line
bear crawl to the next line
Shoulder touch down line
bear crawl to the next line
kris cross line jumps up line
bear crawl to next line
plank jack down line
down to the bottom level – grab a center block
Curl x 10
Shoulder press x 10
1 arm air press x10 each arm
Partner up
Partner 1 runs the stair well to first floor
Partner 2 runs the deck to first floor
group Merkins x 5
Partner 1 runs the stair well back to bottom
Parnter 2 runs the deck back to the start
2 block burpees
Repeat this all the way to top
each floor increasing merkins by 5 and block burpees by 2
flip flop – partner 1 that was running stairs now runs deck, partner 2 runs stairs
LBC x 10
Shoulder touch merkins x 15
– It's been a little while since I have been to Night Ranger, I got there and didn't see any cars in the parking lot…so figured late arriving crowd, I'll go scope out the place for some ideas….wait the group meets on the second ramp…ah the level of disguise for the after party…..
– So down on the first floor where it is hidden we found some young guys that we picked up……for a workout…..they drove through evidently looking or heard about some workout. They said they would join so they jumped out the car and got into the partner execricse. They seemed very excited so hope to have Daniel and Luke come back!
– I'll need to re-Q again so I can be on top or ordering post workout dinner, was looking for the festivies and Burning bush was like that the Q's job…shoot next time it's a pizza party
– Thanks Crocs for letting me Q, as always it's an honor to be able to lead.