Getting the Might Oak pax ready for the Ghost Q

Lego, TurnCoat and YHC took on the Standard on the Pop Tart route but without Pop Tart


10 Burpeess OYO

The Thang:

Run to planters 25 step ups, 25 merkins

Run to picnick tables 25 step ups, 25 burpees

Run to playground 25 pull ups 50 merkins, then repeato but with 20 pullups and 40 merkins

Run to benches and 25 step ups then run and get blocks

Blocks: 15 curls, 15 shoulder press, 15 Lawn Mowers, 25 Chest Press, 15 WWIIs, 5 Burpees

Back to playground for 25/50 and then to stepups 25 and back to blocks for another round of block work followed by 10 burpees

Blocks back and 15 step ups run back to the cars

Total up: 50 Burpees, 115 step ups, 165 merkins, 70 pullups, plus 2 rounds of block work! 


  • Great showing as folks are excited for the first Ghost beatdown Q in a long time next week at Mighty Oak be sure to arrive early as parking could be tight.
  • Welcome Smokey's puppy to F3, he didn't kill anyone but tried hard today. Good to see Smokey getting all the fitness!
  • Love the mumble chatter at 16 minutes in asking if we were done yet. 
  • TurnCoat is an absolute beast, he crushed the Murph, FKT, and then went to a concert last night and still posted for 3 in a row today! 
  • 50 Burpees today for Don Ho who loves them hope to get him to the next Q.
  • November 11 is Chad1000X be at Dragon Slayer at 5am and get fit with Lego! 
  • Prayers up for Eeyore's hand, not sure right or left but he is under the knife today! 
  • Prayers for all those in F3 that need them and are dealing with stuff. Check in on your brothers and try to get them out we all need the gloom. 
  • Thanks to Dingo/Kosar for the "voluntold" opportunity to Q at the oak.