Getting to 3rd Base

Event Date

Apr 22, 2019


7 pax came to run with exercise interruptions and got almost 3 miles of fun. 3 of those men also met the standard and got a total of 5 miles. I promised an old school Titan beatdown where we stay on campus. Here’s what went down (as well as I can remember it):Joggy jog to the front of the lot for a WARMORAMA:SSH x20icCotton Picker x15icWindmill x12icContinue running around the very large campus to the back amphitheatre (aka smokers lounge)Reverkins under the rail x20 OYOMericans x20 OYOAlternating Step Ups x20icRun halfway around campus to the back lot:Line hops x10ic4-Corner clockwise hops x10icREPEATO anti-clockwiseRun to the smokers lounge:Dips x12icBench Squats x12icCrabwalk up each staircaseRun the short way around to the back lot:Flutter Kicks x25icLBC x20icRun to the smokers lounge:Sweet Carolina Dry Docks x8icHop Up the bleachers x5 OYORun to the softball field:Sprint to 1st, jog homeSprint to 2nd, jog homeSprint to 3rd, jog homeRun back to the launch pad RECOVER, RECOVERMOLESKINI made several promises I did not keep:We went 10 feet off campus (sorry Stray)We ran off the pavement (sorry Frogger)We should have had headlamps.We ran uphill during the standard (sorry Tantrum)Frogger complained that I was making all kinds of demands and he wasn’t seeing any benefits. It reminded him of his 7th grade girlfriend. So, I let him get to 3rd base on the softball field *wink*This was Freedom’s and Tugboat’s first time to Titan. Come on back when there is a better Q.Thanks for letting me lead today. I, at least, had a blast and I hope everyone else did, too.