Ghosty Fartlek

Event Date

Oct 27, 2020


FNG-1 = Enron (this guy is all-in, so time to get registered!)

9 PAX emerged from the fog to post a strong 6 miles, mostly along the Huntersville Half course. In fact, a handful are in for their first Hville Half this year, so this was good training with just 6 weeks to go.

The route created an appropriate ghost shape, heading down Wynfield Creek Pkwy to Gilead and then up Ranson to make the "tail", then a Gladiator flyby to make the right arm, and finally a loop through MacAulay to make the head. That meant 2 charges up Hardcore Hill.


Crablegs and Crocs leading the pack as usual. Hawkeye was also leading at various points. Awesome job my dudes.

Hawkeye is being told to change his name due to there already being a Hawkeye. In fact the Hawkeye tagged in this post is the original Hawkeye. My vote for the new name is Hawkguy.

Relatively new runners Enron and The Ultimate showed strong work, and their distance and pace is improving every workout.

Looked like a whole bunch of PAX out supporting Blackbeard at Gladiator, which was awesome.

Prayer requests: Jorel's coworker with a new baby. Popcorn's brother and his wife also having a baby literally right now at the time of this posting.

Thank you for the opportunity to Q and to workout with all you fine gents!