11 suffered together while celebrating the gifts of the Three Kings. Somewhere along the way, everyone had an epiphany of their own that the pax celebrates in a weird and painful sort of way. Here's how it went down.
Temp 44F, overcast. Quite pleasant.
Warm Up:
- 20x (x=in cadence) SSH
- shoulder circles and Phelps flaps
- *** pax recognizes potential ominous nature of warming up shoulders muahahaha
- 20x Snake Eyes Merkins
- 20x Low Country Crab Cakes
- Rib stretches + 10x imperial squat walkers
Mosey to the back playground (King 1)
- First 5 there grab a block, remaining 5 partner up as they arrive. LED is given an appropriately sized block.
- Gold was the first gift, representing royalty, as it was customary to present gold when one was in the presence of the king. In F3, burpees are the royal mac daddy of exercises.
- partners work together to complete the following, breaking it up however you like
- 100 burpees
- 200 curls
- *** ominous mumble chatter at the end (Skipper maybe?): "don't forget, there are two more kings…"
- *** #paxwhimper #muahahaha
Mosey to the clubhouse to see the gift from King 2
- OH! Don't forget your 33# block. You'll need it a 1/2 mile away at the clubhouse. : )
- The 2nd gift of the Magi was frankincense, a sweet smelling incense placed on the altar, to provide a sweet aroma to God.
- I think it was LightBulb who identified correctly that we are already smelling pretty 'good'.
- When I think of SailView, I think of the lake. It's a pretty sweet view from the clubhouse and provides a great backdrop for partners to share…
- 100 merkins
- 100 squat thrusters
Mosey(1/3 mile) to the Front Lawn to see the gift from King 3.
- Did the reflection here to give some recovery: 1 Peter 5:8-9
- "1 Peter 5:8-9 Be sober well balanced and self-disciplined, be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion fiercely hungry, seeking someone to devour. But resist him, be firm in your faith against his attack—rooted, established, immovable, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being experienced by your brothers and sisters throughout the world. You do not suffer alone."
- Suffering together is one of F3's mantras, right?
- Also, in seriousness, wanted to just remind everyone about some local children that are suffering through some health challenges: BJ, Braylon, and GoodWrench's niece Khaleda. Can't pray enough for these little ones. Stay tuned for some idea explosion about a big fund raiser focused on our Denver kids.
- Myyrh was the third king's gift to baby Jesus. Myyrh was an oil based perfume often used during funeral preparations and was symbolic of Jesus' death and resurrection.
- At this point of the workout, everyone looked like death. Fatigue had set in. The struggle was real. YHC's estimate of timing correctly forecasted a challenge to sneak in 6MOM, so…
- 200 stranded turtles (I called them v-ups but stranded turtles was more accurate to my demo #O2?whatO2?)
- 100 trifectas
- ugh! That was fun! Said no one.
Alas, it was time to clean up the wrapping paper and pour a cup of coffee.
- One more brick run (1/6 mile) back to their rest place.
- Mosey back to the front
- I mentioned a picture I saw on BJ's facebook page that seemed perfect. He's is his hospital bed (50 days now) holding up a sign that says, "The devil whispers 'you can't handle the storm.' The warrior says, 'I AM the storm!'"
- BE the storm when the devil comes prowling around your home.
- BE the storm when temptation rears it's ugly head.
- BE God's storm in your world and reflect His love to everyone around you.
- ** Welcome aboard Ken for workout #2. It was great to hear of you finding the joy of running last year, losing 40 pounds, and ready to add muscle. Inspiring story Bro. Due to your never ending endurance, we dub thee Tank.
- I'm tired!
Such an honor to lead you guys, each and every time, it's an honor.