Well I didn’t die. I haven’t been to an F3 workout since around Christmas last year.  I found my last Q post on the website, it was 1133 days ago at Viking.  I have been looking forward to (and dreading) this morning since Moses brought up the idea of OG Weeks of workout. It’s been far too long for sure.  Since agreeing to do this at the end of Sept I’ve been walking with the M and lost 16 plus lbs to prepare for this morning and for life. 


Here is what I recall happened this morning.


21 Posted



SSH x15

Squats x15

ISS x 15

Windmill x 15

Arm Circles x15




KB Swing x10

Lawnmower x10

Upright Rows x10

Curls x10

O.H. Press x10

Skull Crushers on Back x10

Chest Press x10

Lawnmowers x10 L&R


Lunge to the playground OYO



The min VERN

10 – Pullups – Run/Walk 200 Yards

20 – Dips – Run/Walk  200 Yards

25 – Pushups – Run/Walk  200 Yards

30 –  LBC – Run/Walk  200 Yards

Most guys did about 2 rounds, I did 1.5. 



KB Swing x10

Lawnmower x10

Upright Rows x10

O.H. Press x10

Skull Crushers on Back x10

Chest Press x10

Lawnmowers x10 L&R

Led by Moses – Ribbons x10

Led by Oyster – Curls x25

Led by Outlaw – 1 arm OH Presses x15 each arm

Led by Olive – 8 Count Body Builders x10



6 MoM

By Committee

Led by Soprano – 10 Burpees OYO

Led by Bama – 5 Burpees OYO

Led by Arizona – Low Flutters x 15

Led by Olive – Dying Coach Roach x15

Oyster – Cruncy Frogs x15

Beetlejuice – 1 Min Elbow plank


Recover Recover!


Truth Nuggets from the Gloom:

  1. Arizona does not miss driving 20 + mins to a workout.  Thanks for your support posting up here in the old stomping grounds. 
  2. Arizona is also very good at impressions.  He ran past Moses and I an gave us his best Whoop, Whoop, Whoop like Curly from 3 Stooges.
  3. Can you believe that today was Stromboli’s first Kettlebell post,  well today was my first Kettlebell Q.  I actually was supposed to lead one many years ago, but we left the KB’s at 131Main and ran with pain stations instead.  Needless to say the PAX were not very happy with me back then.  Stromboli – thanks for coming out to support me brother. 
  4. YHC could not remember what LBC stood for.  Thanks Bama for setting me straight last night.  Little Baby Crunch
  5. YHC could also not remember what it was called to lay on ones back and stare at the sky, but about 15 of the PAX chimed in to inform me it was called – Airborne Mind Bender.  Sorry GnarlyGoat, how could I forget.
  6. Moses has a reputation for purposely avoiding “The Vern” and that he has never posted for a VERN, that is not exactly true.  Although I am not sure that he and I had ever posted together at a VERN before.   I could not resist pulling a bait and switch adding a mini VERN on the PAX and Moses .  Moses stuck by me stride for stride as my wing man.  At like 6’5” and me at 5’6” he was taking baby strides.  Thanks for being my wingman.
  7. My apologies for “yelling” at the PAX twice to get in position, I really was just messing around, but Callahan and Outlaw took it serious.  NO I DO NOT NEED ANGER MANAGAMENT!!
  8. However Callahan you are right, I do need some Ginkgo Biloba.
  9. I didn’t see it but apparently Soprano dissed Outlaw by not giving him 5 during the Mini Vern, then during 6MoM he did it again by calling 10 Burpees.  Sounds like the beginning of a turf between the mafia and cowboys. 
  10. Welcome back to my fellow Kotter –  Beetlejuice.
  11. Thanks for taking us out Moses and for the prayers for healing what ails us.


Thanks to all of you for your support today and the past 8+ years.


