FNG-1 was John, 2nd post, receiving the name Motion Lotion. FNG-2 was Jim, 1st post, neighbor of Discraft.

The third installment of the Road to Shambala kicked off a bit early today as Dewey and Discraft joined YHC for the announced standard at 5 AM (Scrum was there but sleeping in his truck… not sure how many points that's worth, but more than totebag gets for alternate workouts I'd think). The beatdown went something like this;

Warm-o-rama: we did a bunch of stuff in cadence

Thang 1: Mosey to the back of the old PAC Springs building to wake up the RV campers with some excessive mumblechatter. Picked up bricks and lined up facing the hill (after circling up, which was not directed by YHC). Dora 1-2-3 commenced after partnering up. Partner 1 runs to the hill, quadraphelia up, do 10 squats and return while partner 2 starts banging out 100 mericans, 200 overhead press, and 300 curls, switch places and continue till completion. Return bricks and let the RV campers go back to bed. 

Thang 2/Mary:

Mosey over near Jolly Roger Brewery where it was pointed out that there is a give a pint, get a pint blood drive Thursday from 2-7 which does not conflict with Holy Smokers. Continue towards Chief/Ape heighth wall to begin with a wall sit. This seemed too Pure Barre or Hot Yoga so we flipped up the feet for some balls to the walls. Held that long enough for some mumblechatter to ensue. Dropped off the wall and lined up facing it. Began cycle of 10 IC mericans, wide-grip mericans, CDD, and diamond mericans with trips over the wall for mary exercises of 20 IC LBC, flutter kicks, box cutter/cutter box, and freddy mercury. Mosey to AO where YHC made some random remark leading to random drug test suggestions. Moving on…

Moleskin: ain't got none, moving along to points. Points were restated for Tuesday where YHC noticed our resident board member ran an alternative workout and was not present at coffeeteria leading to -2 instead of 0. *doh*


Chief 15
Cupcake 15
Scrum 15
Lear 15
Goat Path 15
Deep end 15
Dewey 13
Apehangers 12
Soul Glo 10
Mailman 10
Brushless 10
Motorboat 8
Discraft 8
FNG1 (John) 6
Pyle 6
The Bends 5
Usain 5
Cheez Wiz 5
Deadpool 5
Banana Peel 3
Stroker Ace 3
Pink Slip 3
Goodell 3
Totebag 0
Strutter 0
Contra -2