Give credit where it is due…

Super late on the BB, but everyone that showed deserves the credit for putting up with my shenanigans that morning.

Tweetsie and Jimmy Olson put in the extra effort for the 5:00 standard and arrived just before 5:30 with maybe 30 seconds to catch their breath. From there we commenced with the work.

Started the workout with a lap around DPK and circled up at the corner of Old Statesville and Gilead. Some SSH, IST, Toy Soldiers and Merkins (all x10 IC) followed. From there we took the long way to the top of the parking deck, with Mona Lisa rolling into with the rest of the Pax on the way up. Caboose made me aware that we did not do any cotton pickers in the warmup and I felt that I would be doing the Pax a disservice by not doing some at the top of the deck.

Cotton Pickers x10 IC

This is being written over a week out so the details are a bit fuzzy, but the concept was to make our way down each ramp section, and doing a different variations of Elevens where you alternate rep counts for two different exercies (1 rep then 10 reps, 2 reps then 9 reps…..10 reps then 1 rep)

1 air squat (sprint down ramp) 10 merkins (sprint up ramp) 2 air squats (sprint down ramp) 9 merkins (sprint up ramp) etc.


We skipped a few levels, but the other exercises that were paired on the way to the basement were:

– Pull ups (from the structure above) / LBCs – this was done 9x instead of 11

– Carolina Dry Docks / Burpees – 7x

Still had some time to burn so went back to the corner of DPK and did variations of Dips, Merkins and Jump ups.

Finished the workout with each member of the PAX calling cadence for Mary exercises (went a little over 6:15 to get everyone).


I completely forgot to do the COT, but it was a small group and we were all familiar faces.


Thanks everyone for showing. I wasn't sure how the exercises on the deck were going to work, but everyone rolled with it and put in some solid work!
