100+ pax, Ms, and even a couple 2.0s (apologize if anyone was missed above, please comment and I am happy to include you if I missed you) celebrated an awesome year in Isotope at the F3 Isotope Christmas Party. Here is their story:

Thanks to Eleven Lakes Brewing for being such an awesome community partner and hosting our Christmas Party. Their gracious willingness to host enabled us to raise almost $3,000 for Operation Sweet Tooth. We appreciate Olive, Regina, and the OST board (Kara and Darren) for collecting donations, educating the pax on their mission and purpose, and facilitating the raffle tickets. Thanks to Sweet C, Lego, Heely, Kosar, Holiday, Hot box, and Scrappy for donating to and leading the raffle!

Thanks to the Isotope SLT for planning a really fun evening at the Christmas Party and crushing it this past year. These men stepped up and consistently invigorated the pax to lead an awesome number of 1stF, 2ndF, 3rdF, and CSAUP events. From Quarter Ruck VIII to the Monthly Fitness Challenge to QvQ to 100 posts and 12 Qs to overnight relay runs, Ironpax Challenge, ultramarathons, both on the books and off, triatholons, the Polar Bear, and on and on and on. And then finished the year with the development and delivery of a new website to set up the next SLT for success (wait we have a website!?!).

Even more than that these men have encouraged men to lead and then give it away. YHC is so impressed the honored to stand with you men. 

Fun to hand out some awards to the men with their hair on fire this year:

Best Rack – Jobe
Rage Against the Machine – Rodeo
Cutest Couple – Crab Legs & Frogger
2nd Fittest Pax – Swamp Fox
Hey Look at Me – Crocs
Rookie of the Year – Belair & Gambini
Highwayman – Mr. Holland
2ndF – Jersey Boy
CSAUP – Die Hard
3rdF – Slingshot, Roadie & Blackbeard
Transformation – AM/PM
MOTY – Possum

Loved listening to Possum accept the award for Man of the Year (MOTY). It was a clear choice for a pax that has led in all facets of F3. A true comeback story from a man that was inspired last year to return to F3 and his actions has and will continue to inspire others. 

We introduced the next group of men to lead with the Isotope SLT:

Comz Q: Nair
Website Q: Slingshot
Weasel Shaker: Gambini
Marketing Q: Auto
CSAUP Q: Scrappy
1stF Q: Ultraman
2ndF Q: Crocs
3rdF Q: Possum
Nantan: Cherry Bomb

Cherry Bomb graciously accepted the role of Nantan. A year ago when Swing State and YHC spoke about the transition to Nantan, YHC had Cherry Bomb in mind to take this group to the next level. He has been on fire ever since joining F3 four years ago and has done everything you can do in F3 before taking Nantan. He is ready. The SLT are ready and YHC can’t wait to see what this leadership group puts together for 2023. It’s going to be an awesome year in F3 Isotope. 

It was an honor and a pleasure to serve as Nantan for the last year. YHC is always blown away by the sheer number of quality men ready to step up and lead in this region. Thanks for the constant encouragement and motivation. Can’t wait to see whats next…

