Give it Away at The Cauldron

Event Date

Jan 05, 2018

First, a huge welcome to my friend Adam Kimball, listed above as FNG-1.

Prior to joining my team at BofA, Adam was an officer in our great Navy.  He came all the way up from NoDa today for his first F3 workout.  T-claps for joining us in such frigid temps!  In fact, he even stopped for some gloves at a gas station on his way today.

It is nice to be able to "Give it Away".  Aye.

Appreciate the warm reception and encouragement the PAX provided to Adam today at The Cauldron.  Here is roughly what went down today:

0450:  YHC attempted to get most of the ice out of 3 tires on the AO.

0500:  RunStandard with 66 and YHC.



One very quick parking lot mosey with some high knees, butt kickers, and Quadraphillia.

Quick Disclaimer given.  Meant to give a more thorough one as FNG Adam arrived about a minute later…and of course forgot.  Cobains!

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Mericans x 10 IC.  HOLD for:
  • Mountain Climbers x 15 IC.  HOLD for:
  • Elbow Plank x 30 seconds.  HOLD for:
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • Windmills?  IST?  Please sound off below if incorrect or any missing.  Both led by 66, as YHC grabbed the 4th (and last) tire available from the woods.

The Tire Thing:

Grab a similar-sized-kettle-bell-carrying partner.  Each team was responsible for their 2 KBs and 1 tire, which weigh about 44 pounds each.  There was 1 team of 3 as we had 9 PAX.

  • P1:  Zamporini carry the tire overhead
  • P2:  Farmer carry both KBs
  • Switch as often as needed.  We went ALL THE WAY over to the baseball field, stopping once for:
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • KB / Tire Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC

At the hill by the baseball field we did:

  • P1:  Flips the tire uphill (please get low and use your legs), Zamporini carry the tire downhill (carefully)
  • P2:  KB swings
  • Flip flop and repeato until each team got to 200 KB swings (300 for the team of 3).
  • Plank when finished until the other teams are done.
  • P1:  Flips the tire uphill, Zamporini carry the tire downhill
  • P2:  Squats, please get low.  This was an audible from KB Squats, as many of our hands were freezing and we needed to use "the pants method" of warming them! 
  • Flip flop and repeato until each team got to 200 squats (300 for the team of 3).
  • Plank when finished until the other teams are done.
  • P1:  Flips the tire uphill, Zamporini carry the tire downhill
  • P2:  KB curls
  • Flip flop and repeato until each team got to 100 KB curls (150 for the team of 3).  The lower reps were an audible due to time concerns.
  • Plank when finished until the other teams are done.
  • This was on the Weinke:  One speedy lap around the bases (otherwise we could have simply used the hills closer to the AO !).  Whoops, Cobains!  Literally forgot to do this, and thus, the trip to the baseball field was needlessly long?  Nah, the walk and talk were good!

Return to the AO base via:

  • P1:  Carry the tire in a flexed curl position (because, obviously, we didn't get enough curls above)
  • P2:  Farmer carry both KBs
  • Switch as often as needed.

We still had time for:

  • KB Front Shoulder press x 10 IC
  • KB Skull Crushers x 10 IC
  • Realized this was exceedingly difficult for Swamp Thing given we were 1 KB short and he was using a tire…so time for Mary.


  • Elbow plank x 30 seconds.
  • JLOs x 10 IC courtesy of Amen.

Recover, recover.  We covered exactly 1.00 miles according to Garmin, which was definitely planned (yeah right!), but Strava rounded us down to 0.9 miles.  Oh well.

Later we returned the tires to their secret home in the woods. 


  1. Welcome, again, to Adam!  Looking forward to having him out with us again, possibly as early as Jan 6th at The Estate.  YHC will keep doing what YHC does…and will annoy Adam to keep coming out.
  2. Thank you 66 for the Run Standard bud.  Good catching up, and strong work today. 
  3. Thank you to all the PAX who encouraged Adam today.  Did overhear some interesting conversations though.  Did I overhear Jimmy O say:  "I don't know who this Paul guy is you speak of Adam, but Turnpike is an a**hole"!  Lol.  Perhaps, YHC should have been more conscience of the cold ground?
  4. Speaking of Jimmy O, T-claps again for "VQ Month" at Mad Scientist in January.  As mentioned in COT, all 5 Wednesdays this month feature VQs.  YHC can attest that Glitch's VQ this week was excellent and painful, and am looking forward to many more VQs this month.
  5. Swamp Thing, thanks for coming down from TPRoD.  Unlike Duvall, we are very welcoming in Huntersville Sir!  Can't blame Duvall though, clearly TPRoD can't have too many of us at once for appearances sake.  Come back anytime Swamp.
  6. Omar, attempting to explain the origin of his F3 name, is great.  Overheard from 66:  You don't look like an Omar.  Mumblechatter on point today gents.  Strong work today Omar.
  7. The Force commented that he lives much closer than NoDa, yet was still late.  Ha!  Strong work today.  And this pro tip on Twitter from the night before was spot on:  Warm your KBs up by bringing them inside.  Brilliant!  Some, however, did not heed that advice apparently and The Force was quick to voice his displeasure about holding a cold kettle bell.
  8. Amen, who rolled in at 5:29:30 and was not even the latest today, put in some strong work as usual.  He does get some unfair criticism these days.  Asked if he had "let one go", Amen said:  "No.  Well, yeah, but that was like 30 seconds ago".  That's why we're outdoors gents.  Let Amen do his thing.
  9. Thank you Count for the opportunity to lead.  As mentioned in COT, he is looking for Qs for this great Cauldron AO.  Who will kindly step up and help?  As YHC commented:  "Clearly, you don't have to be creative".

Always a pleasure to lace them up with the men of F3.  Have a great weekend.

Addendum – The History of the Tires used today!

The tires.  Ah, the beloved tires.  The tires we used today at The Cauldron had most recently been used at The Foundry (Lake Forest Church – LFC) on a Friday, almost 9 months ago, as far as YHC can tell.  Before that, we used them at Samson (same location, different day).  Before that, they had been used at The Thunderdome, when that workout was at Bailey Middle School, and on Tuesday nights.  Perhaps others have used them at these AOs as well.

These tires were donated, I believe, by Gulfstream.  Could be wrong.  Believe Silver Bullet brought them to The Thunderdome long ago.  We hid them, no kidding, in some overgrown grass by the track.  One literally had to risk getting picked by various bushes and whatnot just to use them.

YHC moved the tires from Thunderdome to LFC when the Thunderdome was (temporarily) shut down.  When the LFC parking lot was being redone, YHC moved the tires to The Cauldron.

Some workouts which have featured these tires include:   Thunderdome (“Tuesday Night”) – August 9, 2016  Samson – August 25, 2016  The Foundry – April 14, 2017

Why is YHC so attached to a set of old, smelly tires?  Because history.  And because America!  And because they’ve been part of multiple AOs across our great region, damn it!  And now you know…