Give me 10 counts

Event Date

Dec 15, 2017

Warm O RamaMosey around parking lot to meet the MQCARIOCA, REACH FOR THE STAR aka Cherry picker, BUTT KICKERThe ThangSSH x26, Apollo Ono x10, Windmill x15, Toy soldier x15Let’s do another x26 SSHOYOLane 1 – x10 Shoulder pressLane 2 – x20 Shoulder pressLane 3 – x30 Shoulder pressLane 4 – x40 Shoulder pressLane 5 – x50 Shoulder pressIC x10 Carolina Dry DockLane 1 – x10 Kettlebell swingLane 2 – x20 Kettlebell swingLane 3 – x30 Kettlebell swingPartner UpP1 – KB Farmers CarryP2 – Run around parking lot catch up P1 FlapjackWallPeople’s chair with KB shoulder press x15Touch them heel x15Full curl x15We have visitors Odyssey crew. Pax do OYO x10 Monkey Humper repeatoBack to workoutHigh curl x15, Low curl x15Dips on the wall x15Skull crusher x15Mosey back to AOPax line up parking laneDo side to side shuffle thenDo shoulder press. The Count comment ” why not do all the way to x50? Toxic response HUSH TheCount.x10, x15, x20Ask the TC to count of 10 and it went like this “10,7,8,…? No wonder why. Thanks TheCountForward bear crawl, backward bear crawl thenDo Upright Row ( Toxic said “that’s STUPID” YHC said yeah I know )x10, x15, x20COTx20 Russian twist KBx15 Big baby crunchx10 WWII Sit up x15 Box Cutterx15 Reverse box cutterx15 Dying cockroachx15 W30 secs elbow PlankRECOVER , RECOVERNice work gentleman and thank you for coming out to Cauldron. Big thanks to Spare and The Count. This is a great AO. Hurricane’s first visit to Cauldron Welcome. Toxic – sorry but not sorry.Please send prayers for Bout Time and his family, Bob Ross’s neighbor pass away last weekend, The Count’s co worker family member in Hospice. Sign up for Q The Cauldron and Fission.Have a wonderful weekendTitan