Give me 5 more, 5 more, 5 more!

Event Date

Feb 27, 2018


MetroDog – How do you like F3, how do you like it
PAX – More, more, more
MetroDog – How do you like F3, how do you like it
PAX – More, more, more
MetroDog – How do you like F3, how do you like it
PAX – Give me 5 more, 5 more, 5 more!






10IC MtC


15IC SSH (The Ha8! counts begin!)

15IC MtC



20IC MtC


Mosey to the back for MORE FUN.

Divide in half – 4 start with pullups and 4 with Australian rows

4 rounds of 5 reps then switch

Grab a block and mosey back to parking lot

5 More (Q directs Puddle to start us out with 5 more… Puddle – 5 more what? Lets start with curls. Puddle starts counting curls in cadence causing PAX alarm)

After 11 more sets of 5 someone called it.

Parking lot bear crawl mosey back (if your fast crawl bear back)

5 More Block Press (Puddle is beginning to get it now)

After a round repeats I lost count…Q fail #2

Parking lot bear crawl mosey back (if your fast crawl bear back) but PAX revolts so Q calls 5 Burpee

NO MORE BURPEE – PAX decides ON MORE bear crawls 

5 More Skull Crushers (Skipper reminds us of the disclaimer and Puddle has it down now)

After 7 MORE the PAX decides that 40 is enough.

Return blocks to the back

Max pullups for half the PAX while the other half does burpee until they are done and then trade. (Skipper – MetroDog you lied. MetroDog – about what? Skipper – You said no pullups. MetroDog – NOPE, I said no Murph)

Back to the parking lot

5 More burpee (The burpee round DID NOT last long, only 2 sets of 5)

5 More Dr. W (This lasted longer than expected, 12 or 13 rounds of 5 Dr. W)

Meet at the top of the little hill.

5 more WWI (During the second time around Tommy Lee calls 5 more Pickle Pounders) At the end of round 2 the Q has to call an end to the fun due to time.


1 John 3:18 …let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

Actions speak louder than words. #Freed to lead


– There was MORE MC so add comments, I couldn't catch all of it.

– Welcome back Tommy Lee, please register on the F3LakeNorman page

– C#, thanks for making the trip up this morning! …and yes, I did have an alternare plan if 15-20 posted.

An honor as always!

YHC MetroDog